Ridin' Up the 33... You're invited!!! 5/08/2011

Started by The Bacon Junkie, May 01, 2010, 04:52:27 PM

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The Bacon Junkie

Quote from: Duck-Stew on May 12, 2010, 07:10:26 PM
....jealous from NM....

Quote from: trouble on May 13, 2010, 06:41:08 PM
+1 on the jealous


You coulda made it from Sandy Eggo...

It's not like you're in New Mexico or somethin'..    ;)


Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...

The Bacon Junkie

Going up again this Sunday...   [moto]

Who's coming?   [evil]

C'mon people.  There are too many  [leo] in the Santa Monicas and Malibu.

Great ride, beautiful roads, and...  [bacon]

Yes, as always, I will supply the bacon.

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


Gotta spend the weekend w/ family for my mom's birthday.  [roll]
ErkZ NOT in SLO w/ his '95 m900!
The end is in sight! Gotta buckle down and get to work!


Details bro!  What time?  Up and back, or long-way-round?  (sounds like the menu at a whorehouse)

If I can get free of all the work around the house we are doing, I may be able to join up with you in SP. 

The Bacon Junkie

I was thinking everyone could meet at orangelion's new place for breakfast in Santa Paula...    [evil]

Actually, a coupla different ideas...  If folks wanna eat breakfast, I was thinking Eggs-n-Things right at the base of the 33 in Ojai. (across from the 76 gas station)

If you hooligans wanna just ride, meet me in Moorpark and I'll show you a more "entertaining"  back way to Ojai besides the superslab.

I usually leave my house at 8am and get to Ojai by 9.  Times, of course, can be adjusted to suit those coming from further away...

Okay, so after a few emails and texts, it looks like we're meeting at the Shell gas station on the corner of Collins and Campus Park drive in Moorpark @ 10am sunday morning.  There's a Starbucks, McDonald's, and a liquor store right there also if you need food or beverages...    ;)

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


A beautiful loop is up the 33, right on lookwood valley, left on Frazier mountain road (potrero cny) and go through pine mountain club up to the 166, then left and back through the 33 again.
If you want to make it shorter you can turn right on Frazier mountain road and ride 5 miles to the I5 and get back.
The long loop loop is awesome and I do it quite often since I'm a local (I live in Frazier park)
There's a beautiful environment @ PMC to stop for lunch and gas, recharge energy and get ready to ride back!!!
Next time I'll join you guys for sure since my broken wrist won't let me ride this time!!!!
good luck to all of you!!!!

The Bacon Junkie

Last Sunday we took the 33 all the way to 166, then right on Cerro Noroeste, then right onto Lockwood Valley and back to the 33.

Sometimes we'll take it out to the 5, take Old Gorman Post Rd to the 138, then Five Points Rd to Lake Hughes/ Elizabeth Lake Rd and down San Francisquito Cyn rd.

Usually 268 miles door to door. 

We ain't going that far tomorrow.   Probably just an out and back, but I'll leave it up to the crew on what they want to do..

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


2008 1098 (Yellow), 1999 996 (Yellow), 2009 Kawi C14 ABS (Blk), 2007 Monster S2R1k (Sold), 2007 Multistrada 1100S (Sold), 2006 Multistrada 620 (Sold), 2006 Monster S2R (Sold)

The Bacon Junkie

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


Awesome day! [thumbsup]

Erica, Jody, and Tom... Great to meet you!!!

Good to see Ryan and Robert again! I still cant believe it was T-Day the last time Robert... damn...

Looking forward to the next time  [moto]

Ryan, how was the rest of your ride?

... and thanks for the  [bacon]...
2008 1098 (Yellow), 1999 996 (Yellow), 2009 Kawi C14 ABS (Blk), 2007 Monster S2R1k (Sold), 2007 Multistrada 1100S (Sold), 2006 Multistrada 620 (Sold), 2006 Monster S2R (Sold)

The Bacon Junkie

Once our puck-scratching itch was, uh... scratched, we took it really mellow for the rest of the ride.  I noticed a lot of scenery and things on Cerro that I had never seen before.  [evil]  [roll] ;D

All in all, a good day.  Jody, Thomas, and I stopped at the Screaming Squirrel for refreshments, but someone boring must have bought the place, cuz they re-named it the Pine Mountain Roadhouse.   :-\   Real original.  They must have thought long and hard about that.   [roll]

Everyone made it home safe, so that makes everything good.

Thanks for coming out.  There were supposed to be at least 3 more, but I guess they had stuff to do.  No worries, though.  Six is a nice size group.

Thanks for sticking with E to make sure she got back okay.  I know she really appreciated it.   [thumbsup]

Catch ya on the flip side...  [moto]

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


"puck-scratching"... man, context is everything... that could be really dirty...  ;D

Tell E not to fret... it was my pleasure.
2008 1098 (Yellow), 1999 996 (Yellow), 2009 Kawi C14 ABS (Blk), 2007 Monster S2R1k (Sold), 2007 Multistrada 1100S (Sold), 2006 Multistrada 620 (Sold), 2006 Monster S2R (Sold)

The Bacon Junkie

Quote from: SDR_John on August 15, 2010, 06:53:02 PM
"puck-scratching"... man, context is everything... that could be really dirty... ;D

Tell E not to fret... it was my pleasure.

Well, there was that one section were there was some dirt and gravel on the inside of the turn, so I guess it was kinda dirty, now that you mention it... :-*


Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...

The Bacon Junkie

Here's a pic that Thomas took of us on Pine Mountain.

L-R:SDR_John (yellow 1098), Jody (blue yamaha FZ6), Me (red M750), orangelion03 (red w/ white stripe s2r800), and River (shiny black 696) 

I keep telling ya peeps, it's gobs better than the Malibu canyons...

... and if you think it's too far of a ride, Jody came up from Santa Monica, and Thomas rode all the way from Newport Beach!!!

Yeah, it's worth it...   ;D [moto]


Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


Quote from: Junkie of Bacon on August 15, 2010, 06:30:16 PM
Jody, Thomas, and I stopped at the Screaming Squirrel for refreshments, but someone boring must have bought the place, cuz they re-named it the Pine Mountain Roadhouse.   :-\   Real original.  They must have thought long and hard about that.   [roll]

that's a shame... i was just telling some friends about that place last night.

wish i'd seen this thread a little earlier. i was achin' to get out of the city and ride up north of ojai.  ;)
-- derby

'07 Suz GSX-R750

Retired rides: '05 Duc Monster S4R, '99 Yam YZF-R1, '98 Hon CBR600F3, '97 Suz GSX-R750, '96 Hon CBR600F3, '94 Hon CBR600F2, '91 Hon Hawk GT, '91 Yam YSR-50, '87 Yam YSR-50

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