looking for upgrade for 1998 M900 triple clamps

Started by dansamp, May 04, 2010, 02:49:52 PM

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junior varsity

Quote from: crimsoncloak on May 05, 2010, 07:21:26 AM
I could do $390 + shipping. 

but that's not even close to a deal. brand new from IMA they are hardly more than that. That's like saving 50-75 bucks but having to fork out more money on ohlins, which cost more but work less good than Showa's with Ohlins internals.


I found motowheels has a billet bottom triple available
does anyone have any experience with the MW I guess that is their in house brand


a m :
if you are doing away with your rear ride height adjusters could I possibly take them off your hands ??


junior varsity

Its going to be quite a long time before I do that, but sure - we can work a deal. Going to be next winter before I start to pull the ol' suspension apart.

Haven't had any experience with the MW triple - the price kept me away for long enough until I discovered the IMA stuff - then I jumped. A full set for less than the price of the MW lower. Not sure if the MW lower is still available, or if its erroneously listed on their site either. Been a long time since a bike that would use it was made, so... They could be out of stock and out of supplier at this point.


Holy crap...I had no idea there were $450 dollar triples out there.  Cheapest ones I could find when I had mine made were like $850.

Where were you guys when I needed you???? ;)

Looks like I'll be ummmmm "adjusting" the price a bit this evening.

Düb Lüv

this is a double post from me, but this is how IMA broke the price down for me. if you live in the u.s., you don't pay VAT. the special boring is for my bottom triple(52mm).

Kit mod.1                           270 EUR
shipping cost                        70 EUR
Special boring                      40 EUR
payment trasfer cost (Paypal)         4%
Total                                  395,20 EUR x 1,34 = 529,56 USD

Gold is 240 EUR (discount).

here's the site if you can't find it
Building, building, building

junior varsity

Quote from: crimsoncloak on May 06, 2010, 10:31:45 AM
Holy crap...I had no idea there were $450 dollar triples out there.  Cheapest ones I could find when I had mine made were like $850.

Where were you guys when I needed you???? ;)

Looks like I'll be ummmmm "adjusting" the price a bit this evening.

I hear you. But, if its for the older Monsters, and its out there - I've done my best to "know" about it. ;)

My cost was 270+70 (no special boring - standard 50/54 Monster forks since my forks are the adjust Showas, I chose not to upgrade) = 340 euros.  - Black Anodized.

Also to note, they speak great English. I went to the trouble in my first few emails to translate into Italian and include it below the English. But they responded in English and we had no trouble discussing options. I've posted up all about this before, so you may be able to find some more information if you search.


a m,
you mentioned earlier in this thread that the triples you have are 30 mm steering angle
does this mean that any later monster triple will fit into the older monster frame ??


junior varsity

Negatory - they use a different steering stem size.


just an update

I received my 848 forks  ;D

need to find a wheel
can someone let me know what wheels fit 848 forks
other than 848 ??

I need to find all other parts as well, brake calipers, rotors , brake lines etc

I am trying to order the triple clamps but am having trouble filling out the form not sure what fiscal code or vat code is  ???

thanks for the help

Dan.. [moto]


749/999/S4RS/1098/1198/StreetFighter/M1100 wheels fit 848 forks.  Brake diameter varies, but I actually prefer the way the 320mm discs feel.


Thanks for the reply,
so now I need to decide if I go the route MonsterMash went and use a non 848 wheel so I can still run my speedo drive
or do I change out the speedo and go with something from motogadgets and go with an all 848 front end ???

any suggestions there ??

I am most likely going with the new O.Z. wheels
their forged Al seem to be the best bang for the buck



Quote from: Mojo S2R on May 04, 2010, 11:11:15 PM
Wow!  Beautiful.   [thumbsup]
yeah, gross. and by gross i mean sick.  and by sick i mean retarded.  and by retarded i mean nasty.  and by nasty i mean disgusting.  and by disgusting i mean . . . well you get it.  pretty motorcycle.
2008 S4RS - Tricolore #324 (about to get bastardized)
2007 S4RS - pearl/red with some tweaks (sold)
2005 S4R - Bastarda Nera (sold)
2001 M900Sie modded to high holy hell (sold)
2001 996 Biposto - (sold)
dirtypunkysocalreggae . . . MANDORiCO

junior varsity

its a hobby. err sickness. gauges and wheels next. internal motor work this winter. pretty much blinged out.