I've heard of that bloke and he does tend to talk it up a bit.
As for that bike of his, I think it is a myth - has anyone seen it on the road recently?
I thought he was a pretty genuine sort of a bloke. I gotta say Betty that the blokes I ride with, by the way I ride a 250 Virago and it's probably not as quick as Super's 620, all say that they have seen Super and his 620 in the RNP and no one can catch him. I've heard stories that he has ridden the RNP in 7 minutes and 32 seconds, and stopped for a slash along the way!
So next time I see him out on the road, or at Bald Hill where all the ladies try and jump on him and rattle his bones, I will be sure to get some pointers off him and shout him a Robbers Dog from the van at Bald Hill.