So I upgraded the power and ground cables on the SS and OMG what a difference in start-ability.
The cables that were on there
were actually 6 awg.
I replaced them with 4awg that I had laying around.
As it turns out car audio makers (or at least Phoenix Gold and Monster Cable- the two brands I had laying around) oversize their cables.
They call it 4awg, it's actually 2awg when you measure it and look it up on the chart.
So I went from 6 to 2 on the bike. I replaced the ground cable, the power to the starter solenoid, and from the solenoid to the starter.
I use a tiny battery. If it were any smaller it would say Everedy on it.
Before the bike would crank and crank and crank and maybe sputter a little. By the time it actually would start i would be wondering if it was going to start or the battery would die first.
Now it cranks a couple times and it's running.
For those with tiny batteries I highly recommend doing this.