Surely a stitchup.
Of course its a stitchup
Povidius made an offer and we're stitching him up
Is this for real ??
When one of our American buddies makes us an offer, we ought not doubt the sincerity of it
Nickati - of course its for real
So now lets see now.....
Dragonworld 1 pair
Betty 2 pairs
Justo one pair
SuzyJ one pair
bigfella one pair
Mr.S2R one pair (but may have blown it by admitting that he's a crow eater)
roxy696 one pair
Nickati yet another pair
mattyvas one pair
timmyc one advance pair
GraGra one pair
DUCMONROB one pair
Rob s one pair
heatherp qualifies for one pair to replace my Class Retros...
Dannog one pair
goldFish deserves more than just one pair for the nice stitchup line
Signora Monster one pair
tricolore one pair
gino one single mirror
monstermick58 a pair
Geezmoz one pair
mostro900 one pair
Jukie two pairs (of course)
loony888 one pair
craigo one pair (do you want those effin CF covers mate or not?
dezmonster one pair + one pair for the hound
Sooooo.... thats a total of 57 mirrors @ US$155 each.... gotta take my socks off to add all this up... um... = US$8835 our generous benefactor
Povidius is up for....
so far
Great effort, I'm proud of us