Fight all tickets. I believe "improper turn" is 2 points.
You will most likely lose your fight, but can get a reduction or possibly avoid points altogether by postponing. Do not go to court until you have to. Plead not guilty, postpone your case to as far away a date as possible, keep postponing the max amount allowable (3 times I think).
The advantages of this are by the time you get to court the LEO won't remember and/ or might not show up. Points stay on your license for 18 months FROM THE DATE THE TICKET WAS WRITTEN. So if you postpone and lose 16 months from now, which is a typical time table, you will have the points for only 2 months. If you postpone past the 18 month mark, you pay the fine but never get the points. Argue your case and you may also get a reduction in the fine from the judge, but you will most likely have to pay something. City wants their vig.
If you want to avoid doing any of that and pay $150 to a lady I know that handles tickets basically the same way as above I can give you her number.