I was intending to drop everyone a line once the bride and I were in and settled.
The wife is actually going to be in Launceston on Friday night, she is flying down
to meet some prospective employers, fly in 7pm Friday and then fly back out 2pm
on Saturday. not even 24 hours, she would have loved to have stayed a day or 2 and
looked around, but she is doing her final End of Financial year for her current employer
and is training her replacement so she is very pressed for time.
This is my last week of Employment here in Cairns, mind you 12 hours a week as
a permanent part timer is hardly worth the effort, but at least my wage pays the
rent for the week. I do 4 hours today, 4 hours on Friday and Saturday.
And then I am unemployed for only the 2nd time in my 17 or so years since leaving school.
And I can hardly wait!