Ive been looking for a touring/long distance bike to go along with my monster... Ive been looking at everything from honda, yahama, suzuki, but mainly at BMW's.... I found an '01 ST4 with 7k miles....for $5500 with panniers and some other goodies....
Are these good for distance rides?? As in distance, I am talking across US and back?
I am not familiar with the ST4 and how well they are handling long distance....
Is this a good bike at decent price?
Good bike, 916 engine which means there may/may not be flaking rocker issues. Services are quite expensive on the 4V's. For a strictly long distance touring bike I'd ( personally ) get something else, and I've had an ST2, ST4S, A couple of VFR's, a K1200S, etc.
For reference, I just picked up an '06 Sprint ST 1050ABS for $5k flat, with 10k miles on it ( ! )