********* you never cease to amaze me
143wolf@live.com *************
Date: 2009-12-31, 9:13AM PST
Reply to:
sale-znhwz-1531847683@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Here's a link to the ENTIRE list of TOU's.
http://www.craigslist.org/about/terms.of.use When YOU start following the CL's TOU's I'll stop posting the nice emails YOU send me. Once again the ball is in YOUR court.
YOU have no one to blame but yourself.
And once again thanks for the laugh !!!!!!!!!!
You agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Content:
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We accept commercial posts under "services offered." You are welcome to advertise your services there. It's free.
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w) post the same item or service in more than one classified category or forum, or in more than one metropolitan area, and top posting.
This is from 143wolf@live.com:
you will not be laughing when we get a hold of you asshole. better save up for a good lawyer jack ass. You need to get a real life and quit being an self appointed craigslist security cop.. There is something wrong with your brain. Your dad must had hit you in the head with a bat went you were a little pregnant dog.... you are either a professional moron or a gifted asshole or both... looking for you. send me an email I would to hear from you. I have some little pieces and getting closer.
learn to spell also if you are going to profess to be a Rhodes scholar.. lower case since you only know about weak ass schools like local OCC. must be where you tried to get an AA and failed. surprised you even made it out of grade school and all being trailer trash pregnant dog. most likely today that is what you do in the day time is pimp and ho. HOHOHO, pun intended.
ninjas mean anything to ya. look us up.