Now what did I do with that wig?...
Hey 'Bell, do you think I could get some leg shaving advise?
PS. How is Buttonhole? Anyone ride it? How's the Tarmac etc?
What-ev Sears had a water gizer just after turn11 and pizza texture between 7 & 8 and I had fun.
you are on your own for leg shaving advise.
as for buttonwillow race surface ... it's spotty. some sections have had patches done in the past year, but in general, it's a pretty decent surface. ambient temp in daytime is an issue ... suggest that if you go, rent one of the garages, or bring an eazy-up ... otherwise, not much shade.
also, i do not think there is any other track that has more runoff than buttonwillow. the only hard obstacle you could possibly hit is the start/finish pit wall ... or perhaps a gopher.