Awesome dude, looks great!
LMK when you want to run the skyline or the gap (or both).
Hell, maybe we should try and plan a meet up at Fontana in the fall ?
Hell's yea dude. I've got a beach vacation coming in August, but I would love to try and cram in another long ride.
I'll keep you posted!
nice tidy bike - so how's it ride? and what trick did you use to keep the powdercoat off the clamping faces on the triples?
It rides like a whole new bike. I thought it would make the rear shock's weaknesses even more obvious, but with a little preload and rebound adjustment, the rear of the bike is pretty stable now too. I was nearly able to keep up with my friends GSXR 750 in the twisties on 33 in WV, but i think his riding skill puts him a level above me as well. I got those chicken strips down to about 1/4 inch though! They have completely rid my bike of the terrible brake/decel dive that it had previously as well. Money well spent IMO. As far as the PC on the top triple, well.. i think it was stock black, as it came from Theo's S4R black already, with the right spots uncoated
Looks great Corey!
Thanks! TANG POWER!...
That's funny, Even though I can clearly read your sig line with the Black/tang on it, I always thought you were more of a dark kinda guy.
Your bike looks great BTW
I probably AM more of a dark kinda guy... Just worked out that I saw this bike for sale at the dealer used w/ a decent price... i went up, they still had it... i wanted an S2R800... my MOM was there to be quickly suckered in to cosigning (i had just switched jobs, so they wouldn't approve me...) so i ended up with orange. I wasn't sure about it at first, but it grew on me damn quick. I'm liking it even better w/out the tail cowl now though... i might leave that off. Eventually an aluminum tank is the plan, but I will incorporate the tang one way or another... for nostalgia's sake.
Swingarm is too silver for my tastes though...
it never ends.