The sensors draws milli-Amps. 1/1000's of an Amp.
Your calculated worst case scenario is 7.75Amps. But in reality it is under this number if measured. Manufactures publish specs that is always a little more conservative to save their butt. So we have to use what is published in the datasheet also to save our butt.
I'm betting my 48W horn on my MH in reality draws less then the calculated 4 Amps at 12V. Plus... the horn load is not a constant load. It is turned ON what?.... 0.00001% of your ride time? So your 10Amp fuse is not constantly stressed.
You're cool with the 10Amps fuse. No need to clutter up your Monster with a by-pass relay. You can always save an Amp or more by going with LEDs for the stop light.
Also, the manual states under WARNING. to never use a fuse with a rating other than specified otherwise it may result in in failure or even fire! So if the Sensor really drew a few amps, then would I have to install the relay?
Thanks again!
Very true. However note. People generally believe that fuses are in place to protect the load. Not true. It is there to protect the wiring harness upstream WHEN something goes wrong with a load. By that time it is too late for the load. Something HAS already gone wrong. So
if the wiring can handle it. And your load has increased. I don't see why the fuse can't be increased slightly so it don't trip with the additional load.(bigger horn in your case).