thx pitbull thats kinda what i was thinking. i am going to stretch the trip to 7-10 days.
Anyone have any suggestions on roads to, scenic...or things to see...largest booger, restaurants, bars.
I have never driven coast to coast, but i have watched the Cannonball Run lots! A friend of mine has done it over 14 times, and she is telling me the weather in the fall is more unpredictable, even in the south. Any one want to weigh in on idea time of year to go? im not a fare weather rider, but snow is not something i ride thru.
Don't go before June.......everytime I've gone out west in May I've hit snow at elevation. Obviously the summer months are fine, but my first choice would be September. I like September because much of the summer vacation traffic is off the roads, including many large RV's.
If it were me, I'd superslab it hard to Colorado. I'd take a few side roads through the midwest to see a few small towns, but mostly I'd interstate it hard from sun-up till sun-down. You mentioned Boulder, so I'd go hard to Boulder and then slow it down a little. I'd ride up through Rockie mountain National park and then make my way west and either go down the western side of Colorado through Ouray or the east side of Utah through Moab. If you do Moab, spend a little time and see arches national park and a few other canyon land sites. If you do western Colorado, maybe wind your way down to Gunnison and across to Ouray and down through Silverton and Durango. It's an awesome ride. Either way I'd wind my way through Utah and northern Arizona and do a Grand Canyon side trip. I might also do a night in Vegas, just to say you rode your monster to vegas baby. From Vegas I'd shoot across death valley and wind my way up to yosemite before heading on to SF.....or I shoot due west from Vegas all the way to the coast and travel up to SF on 101 and do the coastal hwy thing.