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M800 tune correction in Australia
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Topic: M800 tune correction in Australia (Read 3437 times)
will be back on the road june 16
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Posts: 530
02 m800 with extras
M800 tune correction in Australia
August 20, 2010, 04:51:31 AM »
ive brought an 02 800monster with Remus pipes, DP filter/lid, and a chip/tune. i was told and believed the chip/tune was a trimmed Ducati performance ecu but have since looked further and discovered it isnt, the ecu plug-in has no ducati symbol or part numbers. it has written on it M800DUCATI1028 and M800PRO1 on the other side
im not bitter about this as i have brought the bike at a good price from family regardless. My problem is that im fouling plugs with city riding. A good 20min hard ride seems to clear them up good enough for another weeks city riding, tho id rather a more permanent and license safe fix. other than this the bike performs amazing.
Im told that other than the ducati performance chip, there is only one guy in Australia that does tunes/chips for the Ducatis and it appears this is one of his on my bike.
can anyone give me details on this person and any thoughts on his work? assuming he is the only one who can trim this ecu, would you guys recommend a mail order trim or should i chase an alternative/original ecu?
Cheers Clint
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #1 on:
August 20, 2010, 12:26:56 PM »
Hey Clint
Good to have another new Monster rider here.
Other than the markings on the ECU do you actually know what brand it is?
There is of course DP ECU also Micro Tech and Nemisis or is it perhaps a cheap knock off.
Also who is the person you talk of or do you not know who you are looking for and just asking people if they of this mystery man.
As far as tuning goes most Ducati mechanics can do you a tune. There are a few to choose from in Sydney, you have D Moto 8677 9120 over at Auburn/Clyde area, there is also Desmo Clinic 9808 4277 at Rydelmere and Gowenlochs 9750 4346 now in Kingsgrove.
There is also Flywheels 9699 7800 but the only mechanic I know of still there is the owner Ron but I'm not sure if he is back on the tools.
As to ordering or getting a the in the mail, unless you have a power commander or something similar that can be plugged into via a pc that is the only way you can achieve a tune at home.
I know our board sponsor Carbon Imports has a ECU re-flash for stock ecu's
Hope that helps you in your search.
And do pop into the intro thread and give us your vitals
Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 12:33:59 PM by mattyvas
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #2 on:
August 20, 2010, 03:28:19 PM »
Could it be an Ultimap ECU? If so Brad Black (member here) and Melbourne based Ducati guru could be the mystery man of which you seek. If you have bought from family, can they not point you in the right direction? S'pose not if they thought it was something else.
As a complete ignoramus may I question what fuel you are using, could this be the source of your fouling plugs?
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #3 on:
August 20, 2010, 04:12:15 PM »
Forgot about that ECU as they have been dead for a while.
Also forgot to ask about fuel.
Rule of thumb is start with 91 (no E10) and work your way up.
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #4 on:
August 20, 2010, 06:20:40 PM »
If i went to desmo clinic for a service and have a stock ecy, can they perform a reflash and do a tune?
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Carbon Imports & Accessories
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #5 on:
August 20, 2010, 09:58:34 PM »
nope, unless he uses something like our Pro Tune units.. the stock ecu cannot be tuned, even the DP ECU is limited to the amount of adjustments that can be made.. Microtec is fully tuneable, as is the Nemesis, but the Microtec's are more advanced ...
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #6 on:
August 20, 2010, 10:47:22 PM »
I think that we are getting a bit confused here - plug fouling is a symptom of over fueling and or poor tune. The stock ecu won't deliver too much fuel for the derestricing mods that you have mentioned, (more likely lean running) unless poorly set up in the lower throttle opening/idle area of operation.
A good tune, including a reset of TPS, TB sync and Idle CO adjustment between the optimum parameters, using a gas analyser will almost certainly cure your city riding/plug fouling issues. Desmo Clinic is quite capable of doing this tuning at very reasonable rates.
Regards Mike
Desmo Clinic - Ducati Service Centre
brad black
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Posts: 2066
Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #7 on:
August 20, 2010, 11:43:51 PM »
i'd say it's an original ecu as the M800DUCATI1028 label is the original. no idea who would put a pro1 sticker on it, but it just sounds like a reflashed one. tuneboy allows you to do it, but i haven't actually done any yet.
as mike says, it shouldn't be fouling plugs if it was set up properly, so i'd guess it's not. most likely tps not reset at a guess, or a really rich idle trimmer setting.
Brad The Bike Boy
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Posts: 611
Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #8 on:
August 21, 2010, 01:36:54 AM »
so, as i understand it, you cant tune the bike if you have the stock ecu?
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #9 on:
August 21, 2010, 01:45:19 AM »
You are correct.
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brad black
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Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #10 on:
August 21, 2010, 04:32:09 AM »
yes, you can with tuneboy. you can do both 5.9m and 5am with it.
not sure if you can disable immobilisors or not, i can't get an answewr to that question.
Brad The Bike Boy
will be back on the road june 16
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02 m800 with extras
Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #11 on:
August 23, 2010, 05:23:39 PM »
wow, so much info.. umm....
here are some pics of it if it helps. and ive been running 98 in it.
Uploaded with
my uncle asked for the dp ecu, pipes, and filter kit. the dealer was a mate and it seems he thought this would be a better value for money option as my uncle is the kind to just say "gimme what u think is best, like this" and point at the picture.. the fact he only paid about 1700 for the lot installed also makes sense that it isn't the dp ecu.
so im not sure who made this ecu but it looks nothing like the one that the parts guy at Frasers in the city showed me it should. the parts guy was also the one who told me only one person does tunes for Ducatis other than dp and that they remove the immoboliser at the same time.. i shouldnt have believed him as the dealer there also pointed at my bike and called it a vtr when i first spoke of "my bike". i think Frasers in the city seems far from the best place for advice. Wollongong sound much better on the phone.
i initially thought it would be best to find out who this one person that tunes Ducatis is and have it adjusted by them but if there are that many options as the first reply shows, then i think i may be best to find a local (Sydney) tuner that can get it sorted out. Gowenlochs in kingsgrove is the closest to me, im in sutho shire, so i think ill go for a ride and see them now as i have nuthin to do today.
thanks for the advice guys. if anyone can name this ecu in the pics that would be helpfull for sure.
Carbon Imports & Accessories
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Posts: 400
Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #12 on:
August 23, 2010, 05:59:59 PM »
Looks like a reflashed ECU out of the US..
will be back on the road june 16
Hero Member
Posts: 530
02 m800 with extras
Re: M800 tune correction in Australia
Reply #13 on:
September 20, 2010, 11:15:57 PM »
bit of an update, ive since fitted some tpo stacks and k+n filters, oil breather and rectifier plate, also fitted some msd leads i had left over from my car and a cf front fender thanx to ollie. bike ran fine under full throttle still and seemed to start easier and be a little more toey through the mid/lower revs, but was popping and surging/missing worse at cruise and light throttle especially when hot. wasnt uncommon to see 115+ on the oil temp. i also managed only 155kms to a full tank.
took the bike out to the desmo clinic today to have it looked over. as mike said above, had the tb's syncronised, reset the tps and trimed the fuel and its come up great. much much smoother to ride and a bit more responsive than before. oil temp didnt get above 95 on 50min traffic riddled trip home too..
also gotta say, the new inlet setup is damn loud!! i barely hear my remus pipes anymore. the growl/scream from the inlet definately sounds the business under hard acceleration and it looks very tough. tho when cruising about 3500rpm it does make a rather harsh pulsing thud sound that can get annoying, much worse than the open air box did. relief is simply a gear change or a little more speed away... unfortunately the beer try i also got from ollie doesnt fit as its a 3 bolt and my bike is a 4. shoulda checked before i got it but ill make it fit. i can drill/notch out the webbing at the back and make it work no dramas..
cheers to everyone for the help and ideas above, and especially to the desmo clinic, great service and a much better price than i expected.
Cheers Clint.
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