This was my first one, a '98 M900, which I worked on a lot to get it into this condition --
While I had it and was trying to get it to handle like a superbike I bought this one and worked on even more to to get it to the state in this picture ----
But then, after the B**** stabbed me in the back with electrical problems, I sold her (much to my regret later on) and wound up with this (and I had to sell the M900 to help purchase and then start modifying)
That empty bar end has since been plugged with a nice Rizoma end cap.
I still see the old M900 and even got to take it around the block a couple of times this last weekend. It's still an animal!!
The M900 was/is good fun ---- the 999 was the best looking ---- the 848 is the best overall so far (but only with all the mods I've made)