To the exploding gas line...

Started by DarkStaR, September 09, 2010, 06:40:44 PM

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To the exploding gas line...

make the beast with two backs off.  You are ruining peoples lives, and are raining ash down on my house.  >:(


saw it on the news.  that's f'n nasty.

hope all is well.
'09 Monster 696+ Red, of course.
EvoTech Tail Tidy, SpeedyMoto frame sliders, 14T front sprocket


I really thought that this thread was going to deliver in some other way.  The truthiness and realism of it is ruining it for me. 
94,500 miles...05/22/15


My aunts house is about a mile from the explosion.

Luckily my family is all safe.

My heart goes out to all the people affected by this =(
SOLD 03 - Ducati Monster Dark M620

05 - Ducati Monster Blue/white S4R

My Photo Site


Quote from: mostrobelle on September 09, 2010, 09:18:41 PM
I really thought that this thread was going to deliver in some other way.  The truthiness and realism of it is ruining it for me. 

For what it's worth, I was in the shitter when the pipe blew...


Hope everyone is OK in the MoB.  That was the first thing I thought of when I saw it on the news.
2007 Ducati Monster S4RT
2006 Ducati Monster S2R800 Dark [sold]


Doesn't Kaveh's Parents live in San Bruno?!?
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Stay safe norcal peeps. Careful riding around in the ash too. Breath in too much and you might start coughing black shit.
ErkZ NOT in SLO w/ his '95 m900!
The end is in sight! Gotta buckle down and get to work!


Three of us are going off to Stanford Blood Center to donate blood right now.


I heard about this the other day on NPR as I was driving toward Wendover. I have some relatives that live down there, hope they are OK.


Quote from: Duck-Stew on September 10, 2010, 05:39:52 AM
Doesn't Kaveh's Parents live in San Bruno?!?

Sorry for the late reply Stu, my parents are fine, they live in San Carlos, quite a bit from the accident site.


Quote from: Kaveh on September 12, 2010, 04:12:19 PM
Sorry for the late reply Stu, my parents are fine, they live in San Carlos, quite a bit from the accident site.

Too many towns that start w/'San' for me to keep track of.  Good to hear from you the other day and today also.  Glad the fam is OK.  [thumbsup]
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Quote from: Duck-Stew on September 12, 2010, 06:41:04 PM
Too many towns that start w/'San' for me to keep track of.  Good to hear from you the other day and today also.  Glad the fam is OK.  [thumbsup]
good to hear from you too buddy.  I'll give you a call later this week!