Thanks for the warm welcome! THe only thing I missed was you handing out beers!!!
I do see also that my brother from another mother preceeds well as his momma! Hopefully I dont let you guys down..haha.
Hmmm Not really understanding the image insert I as retarded as they say? Do I copy and paste the pic in between the img thingys? PLease assist fellow ducers.
Plans so far are to-
1. fix it so it runs- needs- throttle RnR, clutch cover RnR, engine mount welded up
2. ride it without crashing it
3. chop the tail at some point
4. add rear pegs for my babe
5. do something about the wack mirrors
6. ceramic/ powder coat any parts that come off- black
7. look at creatively repairing the scratch on the tank
8. perform all free or cheap performance mods
P.S. Anyone up in here know of Ben Fox? Sorry to drop names but I thought I would see any thoughts- comments ect on his work...
Now about that spanking........
Cheers, K Dubya