Hi guys
I posted this on another forum re this rally. If you can get to it, I'd highly recommend it. I went last year, and had a ball. I confess, I didn't take a Ducati.... but they still let me in!
I'm very disappointed that I can't make it this year. My excuse is that I've had this crazy notion for a while that I should run a marathon, and the one I've chosen for the big debut is Melbourne, on 10/10/10 - same date as this rally.
I went to the rally last year, and it was one of the best two days I've had in a long time. I confess, it wasn't on the Duc - I went with some mates on dirt bikes. There's a road that goes up the back of Packer's properties, and through about 20 creek crossings on its way up to Nundle.
Here's a few pics from last year.
The trusty DRZ - big tank fitted. Note the grin.
One of the creek crossings.
Perfect trails on the way to Nundle.
Setting up the campsite.
All manner of bikes & tents turn up.
More bikes
And more bikes
And a What The... ?
Nice Rack.
This is what it's all about. Fire, smoke, a few cold ones, and plenty of tall tales.
Not to mention breakfast the next day.
All up, it's a well run event, and whether you get there by dirt or by tar, it's a great location (although bring your long johns), and you'll meet some top people.
Oh, and it's all for charity too. As I said, I can't make it this year, but I'll be sending in an entry fee anyhow - it's for a good cause (Spinal Unit).