I'd be so lucky if any of those septic tanks will give anything away to help a fellow monster rider. I searched high and low for a workshop manual and in the end I ended up buying one of e-bling for GBP4.50. It's the best manual ever - its the Ducati one for the technicians and it's html based. It even covers how to install genuine bling accessories.
The point to all this is (only available for OzMo's) -
It also came with a wall chart in PDF file format (1.35mb). This wall chart covers some current models (and I stress SOME, see below) SC, M, SBK, ST, SS, MTS & ST specs - like genuine part numbers for common spares, valve clearance figures, factory suspension settings, main torque figures for all main bolts as well as the thread and pitch of those particular screws etc etc. It might be handy for the maintainence day (which I cant make it to
, will be doing one of those v8 things at E.Creek. Hope its wet and they have slicks!!!)
PM me you email and I will endeavour to get it to you over the next few days. Please dont get too excited - it may not cover everyones ride.
Some models:
PS1000 - for Vince, sorry no RR