Saddle Box Seat

Started by Big T, June 10, 2008, 05:09:45 AM

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Big T

Quote from: Jukie on June 27, 2008, 04:05:41 AM
Betty and Jukie can be there, jukie might be suffering a hangover thats all.

Excellent. MMmmm video of a hung over Jukie ....... Could be interesting...  [roll]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


yeh all those loud pipes will do me a world of good.Then after the ride i have to do more drinking.  [drink] [beer] [wine]
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT


Quote from: mattyvas on June 24, 2008, 03:46:53 AM
Saturday morning then, Tricolore might even venture over our way.
Sorry Big T, the wifey has art class Saturday morning so free time is abundant.

Pie shop then? or K.V.
on our normal seats minus the tardis option.

I was planning on going for a quick ride after lunch Sat if your still up for for the pie shop????

M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix

Big T

Hey got an email from Greg and he has posted up lots of pics that show the seat and storage from all sorts of angles.......

Loving my seat. Great storage and very very comfortable....  [thumbsup]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)

Super T.I.B

Quote from: Big T on July 03, 2008, 10:11:51 PM
Hey got an email from Greg and he has posted up lots of pics that show the seat and storage from all sorts of angles.......

Loving my seat. Great storage and very very comfortable....  [thumbsup]

Would you stop taliking about your BLOODY SEAT!



I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I.....that's all it is with this bloke!

Spider the Tool

Big T

OOohhh did I I I I I I I I I tell you it was made by the tender hands of 12 pure virgins....  [cheeky]  [cheeky]  [cheeky]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


you mean....

vIrgIns, rIght?

Spider / Tool


so how mary virgins are left Trev ;)
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT

Big T

And then there were 10.......  :o

I've had one...  8)

Supers had one (I shared one with Super).....  [evil]

Don't want to over indulge..... Got to pace myself after all I am no spring chicken any more.......  [laugh]  [laugh]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


are you going to get rid of them before you go away, or is someone going to look after them for you.
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT

Big T

I have 10 chastity belts with keys....... The virgins stay.... The keys go with me.......  8)
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


leave 'em with me Trev. I have experience, I can be trusted with virgins. I can provide references too if needed.


i was going to train them up for you trev for when you return [cheeky] ;D
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT

Super T.I.B

Quote from: Jukie on July 05, 2008, 05:52:54 AM
i was going to train them up for you trev for when you return [cheeky] ;D

Can I watch?
