Started by GEEZER, November 24, 2010, 01:30:33 PM

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 I hope everyone has lots of this  [drink] [beer] [wine] a little of this  [bacon] and none of this  [puke]

Happy Thanksgiving!

'Rispetta le donne!' Italian Spiderman


I have a cold for the holiday and would love to share the bounty of my mucus and the fruits of my lungs with everyone who gets on my nerves.  Fortunately it looks like I'll have an entire planeful of those people on my way home. [evil]
94,500 miles...05/22/15


Quote from: mostrobelle on November 25, 2010, 08:45:06 AM
I have a cold for the holiday and would love to share the bounty of my mucus and the fruits of my lungs with everyone who gets on my nerves.  Fortunately it looks like I'll have an entire planeful of those people on my way home. [evil]

get well soon amica. [thumbsup]

Drunken Monkey

Quote from: mostrobelle on November 25, 2010, 08:45:06 AM
I have a cold for the holiday and would love to share the bounty of my mucus and the fruits of my lungs with everyone who gets on my nerves.  Fortunately it looks like I'll have an entire planeful of those people on my way home. [evil]

Best. Holiday. Spirit. Ever.
I own several motorcycles. I have owned lots of motorcycles. And have bolted and/or modified lots of crap to said motorcycles...


Quote from: Drunken Monkey on November 26, 2010, 10:48:39 AM
Best. Holiday. Spirit. Ever.

what's. with. the. william. shatner. capitan. kirk. impersonation?