For the past 2 years, it has been a blast on my Duc. The bike is beautiful and I feel like a million bucks whenever I sit on it. I have been cafeful and used my best judgement while riding. I don't speed much, almost always within speed limit+10. I ride defensively. I constantly scan the road for hazzard. I stay out of people's blind spots. I proceed causously in unfamiliar corners. There have been a number hairy situations but I handled them well and came out unharmed - rode thru oil spill, sand, water puddles in turns and saved myself from lowsiding.
And then it happened without warning 3 months ago.
I guess it took this long for me to come to term with it and be able to talk about it publicly. So here it goes:
August 24th was a hot summer morning. I warmed up the bike on the driveway as usual. As I put on my helmet and gloves, getting ready to go to work, the engine just died. That was the first time it had ever happened. These unusual/abnormalities tend to catch my attention. I remember thinking to myself "this is strange". Is it a sign?
Hopped on the bike and went on my way. About a mile down the road, I came to a busy intersection. With the green right turn arrow, I made the right onto the right lane in a 5 lane road (2 each way and 1 center turn lane).
Quickly got up to 35-40mph and looked to the left and then right to scan for side street traffic. In a spidey sense kind of way, I got the urge to look left, . Turned my head and caught a glimse of an image that has burned in to my mind.
I remember looking just above my left hand and saw the hood of a car. The front bumper was just below my left elbow. Everything was standing still... Then it went dark and I heard a loud crunch.
In a dream like state, I remember thinking to myself "no way... not like this". I didn't want it to end like this. I am not ready.
After what felt like 5 seconds, I started dreaming about being crushed under a big wave and my body just being pushed around by the current. I snapped out of the dream and found myself laying against the curb. Oh and PAIN.
Based on statement of witness and all parties involved, the police determined that the driver, coming toward me, made a left turn from the center turn lane and failed to yield to right of way. The car hit me on my left side, impacting the left fork/engine area. The bike went down so hard that the handlebar snapped in half. Frame was twisted and the crankcase broke open. The engine rev'ed for awhile without oil. As for me, I suffered 2 fractured ribs, broken tailbone, and a messed up left ankel. +/- a fraction of a second, it could have very easily been a lot worse for me.
Anyway, the Wife was pretty mad at me at first. She wasn't gonna let me get back on the bike. Now she is coming around and open to the idea of me riding again. For me, I don't think I was ever in doubt. I know I will get back on a bike when I am able. The question is what I will be riding?
Ride safe and treasure everything/everyone around you. You don't know how quickly and easy it can be taken away from you.