Glad you weren't hurt worse Goat.
As an rider who has experienced to very violent crashes , ( either one could have killed me ,) many, many broken Bones, torn Tendons, Sprained Joints, Whip Lash, Crushed body parts, and lots of soft Tissue damage, I never did not want or fear getting back on a bike.
1st crash -3 months of recovery , 2nd crash-over a year ago and I still have Ribs that will not mend and a bum Shoulder.
I rode harder than ever this past Oct.- Nov.and riding scared is no way to ride.
I push the envelope right up to the edge but it's an edge I feel comfortable with.
Most wouldnt.
At anytime a Deer could walk out of the woods that I mostly ride through and at the speeds I ride it will be hit or miss.
Probably serious injury if not death if i hit the Deer.
Everyday we are faced with danger.
I would no more commute in LA traffic than walk blindfolded across an interstate , both directions.
I attack roads !
I'd like to think that puts me more in control of what happens for the most part.
I used to ride scared....scared of the next tight corner.
Now I respect the corners and welcome them ......but you can't just go blindly rushing into a corner and then clamp on the brakes .
I learned that the hard way..
Took me 2 years of practice doing corners at faster and faster speeds until I got to where I no longer ride in fear.
Good luck w, your recovery.
Ribs take 12 weeks to be fully healed if they are aligned.