I have yet to chop the beer holder off my bike and install this home-made bracket (will have to wait to do it next week), but I drew this up in SolidWorks today based off the schematic posted by Mitt in May 2008. His schematic was good, but a little vague when it came to arc lengths/radii so I made my own knockoff version with more in-depth dimensions and thought I'd post it for anybody that might want it. Feel free to leave feedback or any questions.
A quick sidenote for those of you that would like to draw up your own CAD model, the outline of the plate was done using splines that I curved to my own tastes, so it's not an exact science. Also, the horizontal and vertical dashed lines are centerlines and are used only as points of reference.
Ducati Monster Tail Chop Bracket by
clamoreux, on Flickr