1100 motor in '01 900 frame?

Started by BastrdHK, June 10, 2008, 09:21:14 PM

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How feasible would it be to squeeze a Hyper or Multi 1100 motor into an '01 m900 frame?

M-ROCin' it!!!

He Man

I dont think it will fit without some major work, the engine bolts changed in 01 i believe.
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

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Quote from: BastrdHK on June 10, 2008, 09:21:14 PM
How feasible would it be to squeeze a Hyper or Multi 1100 motor into an '01 m900 frame?

The engine bolts did change in '01.  They increased from 10mm (2000 & older) to 12mm (2001& up).  I know the Multi engine cases had the narrow swingarm mount like the sbk's do so those cases won't work w/o custom work.  The. HM case may have the wider swingarm mount.  Or you could get an sc or m engine.

Other than swingarm mount size , the engine will fit your bike.
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Engine bolt difference?  Just machine up some 1mm spacer shims and that makes the swap easy.  Use the 10mm or Nichols engine bolts.

If MultiStroodle engine -- just use a SBK swingarm. (you need to fabricate a new upper pivot assembly)

If HyperRetard engine -- use your doublesided or adapt the Hyper swingarm if available.

Odds of finding an 1100cc engine?  Tough.  DS1000 only differs by the bore and thus easily upgraded. (and somewhat more affordable)

ECU / wiring harness -- Multi's would be hard to adapt due to packaging / location of fuses, etc.  I don't think the '01 wiring harness would work -- but possibly. (two plugs -vs- single plug per cylinder problem)  Best bet would be to find a S2R1000 wiring harness.  Hyper has strange packaging / location of fuses, etc.  And remember the ECU / Dash marriage problem due to the immobilizer.  You can modify an existing wiring harness -- but it's usually a nightmare -- I've done enough that I refuse to do anymore for people. (real labor intensive when you have to move components on the wiring harness itself)

But given the cost of an engine, wiring harness, modifying, adapting, etc -- it is way cheaper to sell your existing bike and buy the newer one.  I usually advise folks not to build what is essentially an "existing Monster" unless you are 1000% passionate about your existing chassis.  (or you get the parts so stupidly cheap that its worth doing)


Ya, cheap is the key.  I have been bouncing the idea around in my head.  I am committed to the bike Mark, obsessed more like it.  I have had the bike for two years and 8,000mi, and I could not be more pleased with the current chassis and motor.  I have molded it from stock into an aggressive street fighter.  90% of what I've done have been budget friendly do it yourself mods(tail chop, flipping bars/controls, GP shift, accents here and there), and 100% of the inspiration comes from the creativity expressed by the people on this board. 

So, now I want to put a little more "fight" in this street fighter!  Considering one option for more power is installing an MBP top end from CA Cycleworks, ala Pongo, at about $3k+.  I was curious if a larger air cooled motor would be a viable option.  It would give me the horses I wanted with the reliability of a stock power plant at a similar price.

I threw the question out there, and hooked the fish I wanted.....guys that have tackled these kinds of projects before.  So,..... I know I want a 1100 motor, I know the models that have it.  Which motor would be the most feasible(I am not a die hard DSS guy)?  What else do I need to try and get my hands on: ecu, wiring harness, ignition, gauges?

I am definitely looking to salvage these parts off of a wrecked bike.

Thanks for your thoughts fellas! 8)

- HK
M-ROCin' it!!!