Hi, I want to build my own LED revcounter for my monster m900, must have 10 or 12 LED display plus 3 7 segment led displays.
I have searched the net to no avail, maybe there are people out there that have gone this route and could maybe help me out with some circuit diagrams
Where are you starting from? How much electronics do you know? How's your programing? I'm pretty sure the solution you seek is as much software as circuit diagrams... You could probably make an analog circuit to drive just a strip of led's (I'm pretty sure that's how the old DP tach works), but of you want to drive 7 segment displays too, you're out of the analog realm.
I've got a pair of stepper motors and some darlington arrays and microcontrollers
spread out on the kitchen table (and annoying the girlfiend) at the moment where I'm investigating a similar project. I'm thinking of digitally driven analog style speedo and tach myself, but at least half the job would be the same for an LED strip type tacho.
If you want some hints about where I'm finding useful information, I'm basing my stuff around an Arduino board (
http://arduino.cc/), and stealing ideas about optoisolated rpm sensing from the microsquirt guys (
http://microsquirt.info/), and I found some programming ideas and hall effect sensor info here (
A couple of things that initially strike me about your spec - you're initially wanting 33 drive pins (12 leds plus 3 * 7 segment leds) - that's getting too many for most small microcontrollers, which means you're going to have to complicate things or "cheat". There are some obvious easy "cheats" first - the Monster doesn't really need 3 full digits of tacho, even if you are wanting to measure past 10,000rpm, that leading digit is only ever going to be blank or "1", so you only need one line to drive that, that'd then let you display 0-19900 rpm in 100 rpm increments using only 15 output pins. That's still not quite enough though for small microcontrollers - the ATmega168 I'm using only has 14 digital out pins plus 6 analog pins which can be abused into working as digital outputs if required - but that leaves you with only 5 pins left to drive the led bar display. You then could either complicate the design by using the 5 remaining pins as a binary number through a demultiplexer to drive the led bar (which could give you 31 leds in the bar, or perhaps 15 leds and a shift light), or you could cheat some more and hard wire the 7 seg display of the lowest digit to only show "0" or "5", which means you could drive the digital display with 9 pins and get 0-19500rpm in 500 rpm steps, leaving 11 pins to drive the bar graph...
Which set of compromises do you want to make today?
big (Oh, and +1 to Scott's observation that a Monster really doesn't need a tach...)