Aftermarket levers for 2006 M620

Started by Syscrush, January 25, 2011, 01:36:15 PM

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Hi gang.  I'm interested in scoring a set of these levers for my wife's M620 (and a set for my Duke 690), but I'm finding that the fitment/application information for the M620 is ambiguous:

ebay listing

In various parts of the ad, it suggests that this will fit the 620 up to 2002, up to 2003, and 2006 (plus later 695 models).

There are so many makes and models listed, I'm thinking that it either fits everything with some patience & maybe clearancing work and/or spacers, or is a chunk of crap that fits nothing.  My 3 questions are:

1) Are there any differences in the clutch and brake levers across the M620 model years?
2) Does anyone here have experience they can share about using these levers?
3) Am I the only one who finds it funny that the same part is listed for $44 as a KTM part and $75 as a Ducati part? ;)



Lots of folks reading this thread, it seems - but nobody knows if the '02 M620 levers are the same as '06?

It's not so bad, I was expecting to see a dozen replies berating me for even thinking about putting cheap Chinese knock-off levers on an otherwise venerable Ducati. ;)

junior varsity

They list too many for the fitment. I might consider avoiding this. They list the same levers fitting the radial pumps on new superbikes and new M1100's (same) along with the 620, 695, 696, S2R 800 (Different).

The 620's iirc are all the same: the coffin masters. But it shows the goldline masters from the M900's to be a fit also. Well, there were different pivot sizes of those, and they were the goldlines rather than the coffins, so I'm not sure a lever, if it was the right pivot size, would work.

Likewise, there was no clutch switch on the old M900 goldlines, you'd want to make sure yours has the proper activation part so you could start your bike, etc.


Quote from: Syscrush on January 26, 2011, 08:21:12 AM
Lots of folks reading this thread, it seems - but nobody knows if the '02 M620 levers are the same as '06?

It's not so bad, I was expecting to see a dozen replies berating me for even thinking about putting cheap Chinese knock-off levers on an otherwise venerable Ducati. ;)

the 02 620 did not have a clutch switch, and the 06 does. (started 03)


Thanks a lot folks, I really appreciate it.


I decided to take a shot and order a set for the 620 along with a set for my 690.  I'll post pics and fitment results once they get here.


Quote from: JEFF_H on January 26, 2011, 10:02:48 AM
the 02 620 did not have a clutch switch, and the 06 does. (started 03)
We have a winner!

I got both levers on today, they fit fine, they clear everything they should, operation is nice and smooth, but it doesn't actuate the clutch switch.  I do really like the look and feel of these levers and my wife is happy with 'em too - so we're going to see about modifying the clutch lever with some kind of protrusion that will make the clutch switch work again.  The two options I'm considering are epoxying a small bit of aluminum to the lever to replicate the stocker's actuator, or drilling and tapping a hole and running a small bolt in such that it contacts the switch.

For now, the only issue would be if she's at a light or something and stalls the bike on takeoff.  In that case, you don't want to have to kick the bike into neutral to get it started again.

Here are some crappy cellphone pics:

They're adjusted to max distance away from the bars in this pic.  They have 6 settings each and the range of adjustment is quite good - probably a 1" difference at the end of the lever from setting 1 to setting 6.

BTW - the levers appear to be of fine quality, the fit and finish is good, they have all necessary adjusters to match the OEM pieces, everything lines up, and the action feels as good as OEM.  My Duke 690 is listed as a supported bike (unlike the M620), and there were no issues at all with fitting those ones.  It's funny, when I got the levers for my KTM, I looked at them and second-guessed myself... "They're just Al with black adjusters - they hardly look different from stock!  Why did I bother?"  But when I went out to put them on I realized for the first time what a horrible sin against design the stockers are.  Looks much better, a worthwhile and simple upgrade.


just ordered a set, I'll post pictures when they arrive   [thumbsup]


Quote from: Syscrush on February 16, 2011, 03:52:25 PM
I got both levers on today, they fit fine, they clear everything they should, operation is nice and smooth, but it doesn't actuate the clutch switch.  I do really like the look and feel of these levers and my wife is happy with 'em too - so we're going to see about modifying the clutch lever with some kind of protrusion that will make the clutch switch work again.
What I ended up doing instead is going with a hydraulic pressure switch that replaces the banjo bolt on the clutch master cylinder.  Looks nice and clean, and a very easy install.