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The DFWM say anything thread
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Topic: The DFWM say anything thread (Read 425272 times)
Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2160 on:
January 24, 2009, 09:16:53 AM »
Quote from: Tommy on January 24, 2009, 09:04:32 AM
I wish I could ride my R6, or the 1098s as aggressively as *** can ride the ST4S. IMHO unless you can scrape multiple things on the ST, and pay cash for a 1198s, you are not ready for one. Unless ofcourse you are buying one for the same reason that I made the mistake of buying the 1098s......pure lust. That bike actually made me a crappier rider. The rider that annoys people on the track, fast in the straights, and holy hell dude, can you please just get through the corner. It was way too much bike, way too soon. I only mention the whole paying cash for the 1198s thing because when I was on the track, all I could think about was, am I ready to total this? I can afford to buy this, but i cant afford to repair it... It was hard selling the 1098s this week, but I'm faster on a slower less powerful bike. I will never buy another bike out of lust, unless I win the lottery (which would be hard to do since i don't play) then I would buy the 1098R and D16RR out of pure lust
Anybody else unhappy with the frame color on the Black 1198s? or the rims on the 1198 compared to the 1098?
Good Lord Tommy, that's crazy talk!!! Hell, lust is what drives 90% of all bike purchases. Stupid, no practical sense kind of lust. The industry would die without bike lust. That's like saying "wow, what a hangover, that's it, I'm NEVER drinking again, ever"! Nonsense. You say that now but we'll just sit back and watch. Lust is very patient but she is always there.
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2161 on:
January 24, 2009, 09:22:17 AM »
Quote from: fastwin on January 24, 2009, 09:16:53 AM
Good Lord Tommy, that's crazy talk!!! Hell, lust is what drives 90% of all bike purchases. Stupid, no practical sense kind of lust. The industry would die without bike lust. That's like saying "wow, what a hangover, that's it, I'm NEVER drinking again, ever"! Nonsense. You say that now but we'll just sit back and watch. Lust is very patient but she is always there.
I know, Im sure i'll be buying another bike next week....
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2162 on:
January 24, 2009, 09:26:26 AM »
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2163 on:
January 24, 2009, 10:00:34 AM »
Quote from: Tommy on January 24, 2009, 09:26:26 AM
that PS is still in Tyler. I'll go with ya
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2164 on:
January 24, 2009, 04:43:46 PM »
Quote from: Tommy on January 24, 2009, 09:26:26 AM
Man, I cruise Ebay a lot and I hadn't seen that one yet... How cool would THAT be?!?! Ex-Bayliss bike... damn!
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2165 on:
January 26, 2009, 12:38:30 PM »
After the ride yesterday I had to go back through and find this thanks T.
I totally respect your take on the 1198s comment but my decision to look into buying one did not come to me as I was window shopping for riding fashions at AMS-D.
Quite the contrary.
When I first got the ST the sheer power took me by surprise. It's been a good learning-what-a-Duc-rides-like-bike. I have a few more years riding history though which has shaped my decision. My first riding experience in racing bikes came in 1979 when I became friends with Perry Bushong and his BMW riidng team. Although I never raced I learned loads from him. They raced BMW's R90s. That bike was a beast. In Texas that bike was hard to beat. I never 'raced' but I did find out how to put one around a circuit quickly. That said and removed 30 years hence I find myself back in the same mindset as back then when I ride the Duc today. I want to ride fast again. I want more control than I had back in the day. That total control is what makes a bike. Ducs have that control. The 1198s is the best of todays technology that allows one to have that control. Not the fastest, just the best in the control/suspension department.
Anyone that does not adequately learn how to ride a large cc bike in the first place is asking for trouble at least. The first time I rode off from EuroSport on the ST I was quickly reminded of the responsibility of owning a quick bike. Respect must first be learned then given to that bike. The first you don't respect it or the one time you forget to ride within your limits it will reach up and slap the shit out of you hard. I learned that lesson on smaller bikes thank God. A few of my friends did not and are no longer here.
When I ride the ST I do not try to scrape anything because it's not a track bike. If I had a track bike then I could scrape shit. I'm not going to say I'm a racer but being able to handle a track bike and a street bike are two different things. Like you said you couldn't afford to fix it likewise that keeps me from wanting to ride the ST like a track bike. It seems you may think that because I don't keep up with the front of the pack that I'm not riding to my bikes potential. Not so if my bike was set up like your old 1098s then I might ride up front. One other thing too is the type of road surfaces we have here in Texas. Yesterdays ride were across some of the most torn up roads I've been on in ages because of all the heavy trucks in the oil patch around here. I was not very confident of the riding surface nor my weak-ass chain and sprocket on the back. Dude confidence has everything to do with riding style. This bike is just not in the catagory as your bikes.
And, I'm not 30 years old either! Bones take longer to heal at my age. (Spoken like a true 'Old Geezer' eh? sad but true). Some day soon at a track day we'll ride together and have some fun I hope. Then you and I will see how things sort out. And maybe just maybe you could give me some tips! (Read: not a challenge!)
Just my take ....
can't wait to ride again in the spring wich youse guys!!
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2166 on:
January 26, 2009, 01:03:27 PM »
RED, great post. As y'all know, I've wanted to replace my 620 Monster with something that handles AND has more power. I usually discount any descision that has me arriving back on another Ducati because, well, I feel like I should maybe branch out and find other good handling bikes.
You've just saved me lots of wasted time and cost us thousands of dollars
Thanks for that
P.S. When's your surgery?
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2167 on:
January 26, 2009, 02:20:59 PM »
Quote from: Cher on January 26, 2009, 01:03:27 PM
RED, great post. As y'all know, I've wanted to replace my 620 Monster with something that handles AND has more power. I usually discount any descision that has me arriving back on another Ducati because, well, I feel like I should maybe branch out and find other good handling bikes.
You've just saved me lots of wasted time and cost us thousands of dollars
Thanks for that
P.S. When's your surgery?
Cher, if you said what I thought you said that I said in the way it was suppose to be said then thanks, and glad to be of help.
Really though, being as old and decreptit as I am experience has something to say and it's true about the handling on Ducs. Beemers, great for putting miles behind you. Japs, great for one quarter mile then get off. New Brits, 675 Daytona close second to Ducs and my choice for track bike. (A reasonalble expense alternative to a (1st choice track bike Duc)) You'd have to spend lots of denar to get a SuKawahonaha to handle like a Duc. IMHO that is.
Bows to the other fabled riders in DFWM.
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'04 ST4s, '73 Triumph Bonneville 750 cafe
Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2168 on:
January 26, 2009, 02:35:14 PM »
Quote from: Tommy on January 24, 2009, 09:26:26 AM
And this...man, couldn't have gotten closer to nirvana on this one T.
"If wishes were like horses, beggars would ride."
Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2169 on:
January 26, 2009, 03:55:59 PM »
I know Perry! I bought a then new 1981 R100RS from him. He convinced me to let him install the then new Krauser 4 valve heads and piston kit. I had owned it a year or so and since it was my sport touring bike I mentioned it needed more poke. Hence the head swap. Oh yeah, it had plenty of poke for a boxer and it pinged from detonation like crazy! On trips I would keep bottles of octane booster in the tank bag and give the gas tank a shot at every fill up. Still pinged under a big load but not so bad. Perry's recommendation was to run race gas! Right, try finding that in backwoods of Arkansas!
I was informed that my Krauser headed bike was the last to not grenade. Every time one would "let go" Perry would learn something new and call all the owners to bring in their 4 valve bikes to fix the latest "grenade pin". Grew tired of the nonsense, I regretted having the work done. Should have just ported the heads and had the dual plug conversion done. Fed up with it all I filled it full of race gas (there was an old gas station in Carrollton on the east side service road of I-35 that sold it... pretty cool!) and sold it via newspaper ad.
Bought my next BMW from Perry also, he was in his groovy new shop by then. (I think his latest shop is in Hurst... isn't it?) It was the original flying brick, an '85 K100RS. MISTAKE!!! Didn't have it two months and wanted a boxer again! Don't get me started! The 3 cylinder K75 bikes were soooo much better and smoother. Glad they finally have the big bikes working so well. I'm sure Will would agree.
Missed my old RS so much about 15 years ago I found a used '83 exactly like my '81, stock in good shape, with the solo and dual seats for sale in the paper. Got it and still have it. It's awaiting a "Flight of the Phoenix" make over and return to the road. Maybe someday.
This time I'm keeping it stock!
Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2170 on:
January 26, 2009, 04:56:58 PM »
Woah!!! Check this out!! New Hampshire is trying to stick it in the a@@ of every rider in the country with aftermarket pipes!!! Notice the "national" minded statement?? They want their anti loud pipe/sound check/noise ban to be a model for the rest of the country!!! First Denver's ban, now this crap! If you are caught riding through Denver from DFW on a TX registered bike with Termis, etc. they can pull you over a write you an expensive ticket. How shi##y is that? Screw Denver and NH!! But you can see this coming a mile off. Funny... they never ever mention Jap tuner cars with fart can mufflers... ever. Just picking on bikes and bikes only. Hell, even the Harley guys will take it on the chin with this crap!!! We finally have a common cause besides two wheels and a motor!
Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2171 on:
January 26, 2009, 05:02:20 PM »
Good interview with DNA Michael Lock.
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2172 on:
January 26, 2009, 05:04:40 PM »
Quote from: fastwin on January 26, 2009, 04:56:58 PM
Woah!!! Check this out!! New Hampshire is trying to stick it in the a@@ of every rider in the country with aftermarket pipes!!! Notice the "national" minded statement?? They want their anti loud pipe/sound check/noise ban to be a model for the rest of the country!!! First Denver's ban, now this crap! If you are caught riding through Denver from DFW on a TX registered bike with Termis, etc. they can pull you over a write you an expensive ticket. How shi##y is that? Screw Denver and NH!! But you can see this coming a mile off. Funny... they never ever mention Jap tuner cars with fart can mufflers... ever. Just picking on bikes and bikes only. Hell, even the Harley guys will take it on the chin with this crap!!! We finally have a common cause besides two wheels and a motor!
FYI....I got pulled over near Denver on my cruiser and climbing a hill lugging the engine (LOUD AS HELL). Anyway, they couldn't prove the decibels were above the stated law because the cop had no way of proving that and those that have lost in court due to a calibration malfunction. BUT screw NH is right anyway!
Can we thin the gene pool?
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2173 on:
January 26, 2009, 05:32:21 PM »
I finally get home from a long busy Monday atthe office to find that there is a power outage for my entire block. Sitting at the Starbucks with an nice Americano
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Re: The DFWM say anything thread
Reply #2174 on:
January 26, 2009, 05:35:41 PM »
Quote from: bryant8 on January 26, 2009, 05:32:21 PM
I finally get home from a long busy Monday atthe office to find that there is a power outage for my entire block. Sitting at the Starbucks with an nice Americano
what's his name?
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