Lucky, lucky, lucky...
Brought my Gixxer 750 back from the farm yesterday on the trailer. It's been in the barn for a couple of years (locked, covered, Battery Tender, etc) but I don't get to ride it much when I'm there. Too busy with farm work. Got home late so I left it on the trailer in my Dad's garage a few miles away.
Went back over there today to unload it. Backed the pickup in the garage, hooked up the trailer and pulled it onto the driveway. Off go the straps, got my aluminum tri-fold ramp set up, throw a leg over the saddle and start to tippy toe it backwards. Right about now I either have a lightbulb moment or a feeling of dread in my gut. Still not sure which it was but it saved my ass! Something out of no where makes me feel funny about the trailer hitch connection. 99 times out of 100 I would have blown the feeling off but something made stop and get off the bike and check it. Bingo!!! Being on auto pilot when I hooked up the trailer I hadn't noticed that the hitch was not fully on the ball, it was resting on top. It looked like it was connected so I had locked it down and pulled the trailer out of the garage.
Had I continued backing the bike off the trailer it would have passed over the center balance point and the unhooked trailer tongue would have gone skyward like a bottle rocket! The ultimate trailer wheelie!!
The ramp would have gone flying off. My now startled and off balance ass would have surely tumbled off the bike and over the side of the trailer and my poor helpless Gixxer would have sustained big money garage drop damage!! To say nothing of the personal damage to my aging body and with my already screwed up back and shoulder I probably wouldn't have been able to even pick the bike up!
I have no idea where that sense of doubt came from but I'm damn sure glad it appeared and thankfully my normal lazy ass didn't blow it off. The whole way home all I could keep thinking was what a lucky SOB!! Dodged a HUGE f#@k up and would have been pissed off at myself for days!! From now on I'll be checking that hitch connection about 4-5 times... maybe more!!