Low sides happen because lost of traction, either from spinning the front up to fast, or from slowing it down to much.
i think the same concept falls into play as in the rear wheel, so dont hit the gas too hard?
But then a rear wheel slide is managable, the front isnt. So it works, but applicable in racing? probably not.
Low sides happen because the available traction at the front wheel is exceeded, either thru cornering force or braking (although Spidey was talking about cornering force). I'm not sure what you mean by "spinning the front up too fast"??
Anyway, I think what Spidey is getting at is the front wheel is only responsible for cornering (or braking) traction, not acceleration. Adding another responsibility (i.e. acceleration) for the available traction would reduce the amount of traction available for cornering...hence lowsides.