High compression pistons

Started by pcv57, February 25, 2011, 02:27:05 PM

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Ferracci quoted me $3k to install the 1100 big bore kit, Ferracci programmable ECU w/ 2 switchable maps using flash-to-pass button, and set up on dyno. Again, I'm not sure if pumping another $3 grand into this bike is worth it or do I look for something else. I do love my S2R, but it is what it is.


FWIW I was gonna put a 2mil kit in my 620 but desided that lightweight wheels would provide me with the same/similar effect that i was looking for for less $ and also greatly improve the handeling  [bacon]
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He Man

Quote from: pcv57 on February 28, 2011, 07:41:07 AM
Ferracci quoted me $3k to install the 1100 big bore kit, Ferracci programmable ECU w/ 2 switchable maps using flash-to-pass button, and set up on dyno. Again, I'm not sure if pumping another $3 grand into this bike is worth it or do I look for something else. I do love my S2R, but it is what it is.

Really depends on what you look for in a bike.

For myself, I'd advise against it because my bikes main use is  that of a robo-mule. the 85hp motor is plenty fun for the twistys, it lakcs at the track, but the bike itself sucks as a track rat anyway.

So unless your bike actually needs engine work due to mileage or what have you, id wait till its necessary. Unless you have the money to spare, then hey you could spend it on hookers and coke if you wanted to. It wouldnt make a difference in the end cause its extra cash for you and no one has the right to tell you how to spend it.

but i think 3k is a good price i think. Ferrachi from what I HEAR, do great work, but are not so customer friendly when it comes to regualr purchases. I got quoted $2500ish for everything except the 2 map thingy. just a Power commander + custom map by Steve at ECS.
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

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It appears that a few of us use ECS. I'd be interested if anyone plans to attend his next Open House. I spoke to him the other day and he told me he has a new mechanic that will be starting shortly.
Anyway,  hookers and coke vs. bike mods is a tough decision. You will have something to show for both afterwards, but one I could explain to the wife, the other not so much. I take that back I couldn't explain either one.


WWCSD  what would Charlie Sheene do? [bacon]
Team Atomic Racing  Check us out @  www.teamatomicracing.com
Thanks to my 2011 sponsors;
Motorex, Vortex Racing, Sidi Racing, Studio 299, Dunlop, Motoprimo, Caztek, On Track 4 Him, Fix Studio
2009 Framstad Cup winner
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CRA Expert #2
ZARS track school instructor


Quote from: Jester on April 11, 2013, 07:29:35 AM
I can't wait until Marquez gets on his level and makes Jorge trip on his tampon string. 


Team Atomic Racing  Check us out @  www.teamatomicracing.com
Thanks to my 2011 sponsors;
Motorex, Vortex Racing, Sidi Racing, Studio 299, Dunlop, Motoprimo, Caztek, On Track 4 Him, Fix Studio
2009 Framstad Cup winner
2009, 10, & 11 CRA 5 hour endurance race winner
CRA Expert #2
ZARS track school instructor

He Man

destroy a hotel room with 2 hooers while on blow
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

Check out my Latest Video! 05/13/2017 :


Quote from: He Man on March 01, 2011, 06:38:58 AM
destroy a hotel room with 2 hoosiers while on blow

fixed for humor
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"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.


Quote from: ducatiz on March 01, 2011, 07:01:17 AM
fixed for humor

I wouldn't be suprised if he wasn't alowed into canada anymore [bacon]
Team Atomic Racing  Check us out @  www.teamatomicracing.com
Thanks to my 2011 sponsors;
Motorex, Vortex Racing, Sidi Racing, Studio 299, Dunlop, Motoprimo, Caztek, On Track 4 Him, Fix Studio
2009 Framstad Cup winner
2009, 10, & 11 CRA 5 hour endurance race winner
CRA Expert #2
ZARS track school instructor