Yeah yeah. I took pictures while i was doing it, but in hind-sight I should have taken more.
Now so far this is the cheapest ans easiest for of a tailchop i've seen, but it certainly isnt the best. So tek from it what you will...
The kit;
The only non-basic tools I used were I cutting disc and a vice. But you could make do with a hacksaw and hammer I guess.
Next up, remove seat.
I had already installed the integrated tail light but still needed to hook up the indicators, so before I did anything I made sure it all worked. Then using both the old beer tray and test fitting the seat, I worked out where I wanted the light to sit.
Then it was a simple case of cutting 2 of the angles down and using to 4 holes closest to the corners. Didn't even need to re-drill them, it was amazing...
You can see though the left bracket is angled inwards as the retained nuts on the frame aren't actually centered.
What I did to differently from the pics though was replaced the black rubber grommets I was using as spacers with nuts. This allowed me to fine tune the way the light sat to ensure it was perfectly straight.
Then it was choppy choppy...
Then I used the remaining brackets to mount the plate. Bent in a vice to the desired angle and top hole mounted to the back of the light and its done. You could trim it bottom of the bracket right down if you like since its not needed, but i wanted to use the remaining length to remount my L-plate.
Unfortunately I sacrificed one of my brackets in the process of experimentation, so there is only one in the pic. Need to grab another this morning and do the other side.
Back together....
Obviously all the other stuff you read about in tailchops still applies. Make sure you measure heaps before the chop. Clean and seal inside the bar afterwards etc...
I saw someone here use spent shotgun shells as his bar caps which i thought was very cool. But My 12G shells didn't fit, so I'm not sure what size would work.
Anyway, there you go. Not perfect, but cheap, relatively easy and can easily be finished in a night. It's minimalistic I guess and its all Zinc plated so it shouldn't rust for ages.