A story about Gilpin CO Sherif Dept. and a slow Saturday Ride.

Started by titty, April 08, 2011, 02:58:10 PM

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Some DEMC guys and I went up Golden Gate Canyon on Saturday, April 2nd. Once we got to the top the Sherif was close to follow, three trucks worth. They let us know, in no-uncertain terms, that they are gunning for us (motorcycle riders) this season. She, the Sherif, did not get the speed gun on us but was preparing to write all eight of us tickets anyway until one guy in our group said the right things and smoothed everything out. She was not a happy public servant and her tone was decidedly different than the other times we have been pulled over in Gilpin County.

The Sherif mad it sound like that it was a priority to stop and ticket any and all motorcycle exceeding the speed limit and what we might have gotten away with before in the past would not be tolerated this year. 

2005 MV Agusta F41000S
Soon for sale: 1999 Ducati 996


I don't want to go into the "forbidden" cop talk on the forum, but you all are very familiar with my encounter with Gilpin County's finest last summer.

My opinion is that Golden Gate Canyon is Closed to motorcycles. :'(
It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. This, my friend, is a science. I mean you're looking at the guy that believed all the commercials. You know, about the "be all you can be." I made coffee through Desert Storm. I made coffee through Panama while everyone else got to fight, got to be a Ranger.

* A man can never have too much whiskey, too many books, or too much ammunition *


just want to point out...."exceeding the speed limit" has always been enough to put one at risk.

just because you are used to getting away with something, doesn't mean you have should have an expectation, or a right, to get away with it in the future.

just say'in..
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pigs like it...



I wanted to thank you for adding absolutely no value to this thread.  

I am positive, without a doubt, that everyone here understands the risk of "exceeding the speed limit".

You have taken one local motorcyclist attempting to give the "heads up" to other local motorcyclist. Some of which might find the information helpful.

Your statement about "having an expectation, or a right, to get away with it in the future" make you sound like a grumpy old man that has nothing better to do than scold others.

I went back and read some of your posts, you are a crap starter, aren't you.

Just say'in.
2005 MV Agusta F41000S
Soon for sale: 1999 Ducati 996

Randimus Maximus


Cat fight!!   everyone grab a beer!    [drink]  [popcorn]

I heard he called Titty a pussy and that his momma wears army boots.   [coffee]

Titty, thanks for the heads up and stop speeding so we have some places to ride this year.   [evil]  [bacon]
If you love your bike, set it free.
If it comes back to you, you've
probably high-sided.


Quote from: titty on April 11, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
you sound like a grumpy old man that has nothing better to do than scold others.

And he's ALWAYS getting in the way of my lens!     [laugh]   (Sorry Herm, had to add it.)    :-*

Jonas and the Fire

"To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites." ~ Robert Heinlein


Ya'll need to eat more bran.

Thanks for the heads up, titty.  ;)


I didnt even think of that one.  bran...THATS the ticket.

If you love your bike, set it free.
If it comes back to you, you've
probably high-sided.


Gilpin county has always been a motorcycle LEO danger zone. I just stay away. 119 and golden gate will always have cops looking for us.