Maybe i should just take the plunge and try it myself. My only hesitation is that, with everything else i've worked on, I really have no frame of reference for when I get it right. I'm probably doing a fine job, but I have no real way of knowing. It makes for a nervous rider
So, maybe HE MAN will offer his tutelage?
Regardless, have an awesome ride down to NC! are you taking 81? And keep in touch about checking the valves, maybe you, me, and Thought can figure it out together.
Thanks. No, i'm not taking 81. I'm going down to Philly, DC, OBX, and coming back via Virginia Beach. Loaded up the bike and gonna head out tomorrow. Had to jerry-rig a luggage rack to fit everything as my girl is riding pillon. Will be back next weekend, so I would love to come if you guys want to try and figure it out together.
Since He-Man is on this thread, i want to ask something. How did you load up all your gear for your trip? Did you use a luggage rack? If so, which or pics? thanks