The DANGER of bus lane in peak hour traffic
I am probably stating what is already known here but I need to vent.
This happened twice to me in ten minutes : while traveling in the bus lane
peak hour traffic ......dum de dum overtaking all the silly cagers alone in their
ton of steel wasting all that lovely petrol , the moving car park slows and flags
through cars waiting to turn right across from the opposite direction.
Flagged driver looks ........sees no big blue bus so cuts through the gap
and across the bus lane on their ignorant blissfull way ........misses me by two feet
Oh shit was that a motorcycle I nearly hit didn't see it at all
bloody dangerous
things them motorcycles .
LOOK YOU STOOGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be careful out there hombres.
A rider was knocked of his bike almost exactly where this happened to me last week
In front of his daughter waiting for the school bus ,luckily he wasn't badly hurt but his bike
is now scrap metal.
end of rant