Pretty much all the rubber coated Monster pegs will work on your 01.. Also Ducati Designs have some interesting solutions..
Thanks, Dave.
I had read a few places where the '93-'01 pegs were the same and the '02+ were different, but then I also read where all Monster pegs were interchangable. The only rubber pegs I had run across had been '02 and newer, so I wasn't sure.
Those types of billet pegs work on some bikes and don't on others for their riding position. On her '94 GSXR, I had to mount rubber "feet" upside-down (from some equipment at work) on them because her foot kept sliding, but that style seems to work fine for her '00 R1. I wish the ST2 pegs would work on the M900 because I have 3 spare sets of them (same as the Paso). I had considered trying to get them machined to work on the Monster, which is still a possibility.