I love jumping over my Ducati.

Started by ZachDDill, May 23, 2011, 04:04:17 PM

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El Matador

You are well on your way to becoming the new Randall. Have you hit 140 yet?

This thread is epic :D


This thread is make the beast with two backsing awesome!

I'm laughing so hard I'm starting to choke

"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**


Quote from: El Matador on May 23, 2011, 06:50:24 PM
You are well on your way to becoming the new Randall. Have you hit 140 yet?

This thread is epic :D

no, zach isn't that bad.  he's actually been very nice and wants help with his bike. 

so what if a 17yo kid is showing off, he should.  if i had a monster when i was 17, i would have acted even more insufferable than i already did.  randall was just a braggart, a funny one but a braggart.  plus he was well into his 20s. 

zach is trying to be a ducatista and a sportsman.  let him.

that doesn't mean we can't tease him a bit.
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"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.


I like the new kid


right now

I like everybody

Zach, my only word of advice is don't turn your girl into jerk candy for the faceless forumphiles


if you knock it over doing that

I'm out of spare parts
found my old skin suit


2007 Ducati Monster S4RT
2006 Ducati Monster S2R800 Dark [sold]


Check out my oil filter forensics thread!                     Offended? Click here
"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.

The Bearded Duc

Quote from: dropstharockalot on May 23, 2011, 05:14:09 PM
8ft rim FTW!

I'm thinking 6 or 7. If it were regulation he'd be going to the NBA instead of the USMilitary
[laugh] [laugh]
2001 M750 - Sold
2006 S2R 800 - She's just darling


i don't know why i am up doing this when i have court tomorrow.. lol

Check out my oil filter forensics thread!                     Offended? Click here
"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.



I don't know either but keep em coming
"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**


i'm going to bed, someone pick up and give me a good laugh tomorrow
Check out my oil filter forensics thread!                     Offended? Click here
"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.


2007 Ducati Monster S4RT
2006 Ducati Monster S2R800 Dark [sold]

Mojo S2R

 [laugh] [laugh]

This has just become my favorite thread.


The Bacon Junkie

+11ty billion!  [laugh]

Now, I wish I had paid attention in Photoshop class...  :-\

Quote from: bobspapa on December 19, 2011, 03:11:09 PM
I only see jesus having a sauna with a teletubbie.
Quote from: El Matador on December 19, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
I find it disturbing that you're imagining me in a sauna, never mind the teletubbie aspect of it

Save the Brass...


Holy SH*T!! I am dying over here!!  This is better than the pink monster with streamers thread!!

Zach, keep in mind..this is only tough love.  Randall was in the same boat you are now a few years back.  But given the DMF tough love treatment, he now owns and operates BellisiMoto.  [thumbsup]

Nice Monster you've got there.  Just need to lose the Mickey Mouse mirrors, tail section, frame stickers.  17 with a Duc though?! 

BTW..what's your vertical leap?     
2018 Scrambler 800 "Argento"
2010 Monster 1100 "Niro" 
2003 Monster 620 "Scuro"

Quote from: bobspapa on May 29, 2011, 08:09:57 AMThis just in..IZ is not that short..and I am not that tall.


Check out my oil filter forensics thread!                     Offended? Click here
"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.