I'm watching all these women go into the L&D, have their kids and then delivered to the parents a short while later. Meanwhile, the wife and I are in a daze. We don't know what to expect everytime we go see our son. We can look nut we can't hold him. We can help change him and take his temp and clean his lips. We're here doing the most we can for him but we just want to hold our son. Maybe I'm just tired.
No you are exhausted.....worry/stress leads to exhaustion....exhaustion can lead to skewed perspective.....which can lead to despair which is little more than self-pity with make-up and lipstick on....
the best thing you can do is get some sleep, get something to eat when you wake up...real food...not hospital vending machine crap
if you need reassurance...believe me then your wife needs 5 times that much....
she needs to see confidence and optimism in your eyes...you need enough rest to restore your perspective and give her that
not that it offsets your personal realtime I will share this:
my twins were premies....my ex was in early labor from month 5 on...she wasn't sized for them....we did everything short of stringing her up by her ankles and corking her to keep the kids in....they c-sectioned them out at almost 8 months and they went right into the incubator with underdeveloped lungs for 2 weeks
my son's head looked "bent" from the womb crowding....he is 6'6" and his head filled out (thank God) my daughter is now a mother herself
welcome to parenthood....IZ this is the shit that makes us grow old...and puts character on our faces
you all will do fine