My 30,000k service is due and ordered some parts...........from the US and saved a packet.
I ordered 1 pair of cam belts (OEM) for M1000DS.
1 pair of cam belts (Bucci) for M750
2 K&N Oil Filters
And a Cycleworks T shirt for me
And landed the lot for less than it was going to cost for just the OEM M1000's belts locally. I wonder what the service dept would say if you brought all your own parts and just wanted them to do the job?? I'll bet they wouldnt be happy!!
Yeah I think Chris does a great service to the duc community world wide, and he certainly has been very accommodating in helping out people from au in the past.
I think that BYO parts might be OK with some service people - but probably not shops and certainly not the dealers. But regardless, if you have a relationship with a shop, it would not hurt to ask.
Personally if I ran a service shop, as a rule I would not do it - too much potential for things to go wrong - what if the parts are incorrect, what if they are defective, what if, what if, what if...... already too many things to make it too much hassle.
Having said that I might make exceptions for people I know who will accept the good (cheaper parts) with the bad (the risk and responsibility usually taken by the shop making a profit on the sale of them). Those exceptions would be few and far between....