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Author Topic: Who commutes to the job by 'cycle?  (Read 29242 times)
And the Intrepid
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« Reply #120 on: December 21, 2011, 01:08:43 PM »

Where are you located? Southern MN

Distance? ~10mi each way

Weather-dependant? Try to ride nice days only, but sometimes you come out on the short end of the forecast....

What accomodations has your employer made? MC parking row right next to the building.  Cool

What extra hassle does it add? Possibility of death in the heavy traffic close to work, helmet hair

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? You are always invisible...

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« Reply #121 on: December 21, 2011, 01:33:11 PM »

nice revival of an old thread.

Where are you located? rochester ny

Distance? about 15 miles each way, a lot longer in nice weather

Weather-dependant? <30% rain, >40F i'm riding

What accomodations has your employer made? no extra sticker needed for mc, closest lots to building

What extra hassle does it add? nothing

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? minimize stuff you have to take. try changing up the route from time to time, sometimes i get inattentive when i'm riding the exact same route over and over again.


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« Reply #122 on: December 21, 2011, 04:07:28 PM »

Where are you located? Calera, Alabama
Distance? 25 Miles one way.
Weather-dependant? Yes. If it's going to rain or under 40 degrees, I'll cage it. (I have a Miata, so I will have the top down come hell or high water.)
What accomodations has your employer made? College lets me park on the sidewalk right next to building.
What extra hassle does it add? Little bit of added gear time, and worrying about kids effing with my bike.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? TAIL BAG. Get one. Don't get distracted by pretty little co-eds walking by Grin , and watch out for posing jackass males speeding through the parking lot showing off. Find routes that make you think! Do not cruise on auto-pilot or you could get dead.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 04:11:21 PM by The Married Pip » Logged

"You can fight a lot of enemies and survive, but not your biology."

Wouldn't fat air be easier to disappear into?
« Reply #123 on: December 21, 2011, 04:19:22 PM »

Where are you located? hawaii

Distance? 12ish? miles one way

Weather-dependant? so far, yes. lack of rain gear hasn't completely stopped me, but nobody ever claimed I was sane. or smart.

What accomodations has your employer made? marked moto stalls nearer the gate, also cool about not ticketing bikes for parking where we shouldn't

What extra hassle does it add? gear vs. work clothes, mostly. otherwise, none

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? I'm still quite new to this. but a better gear selection is high on my list. also, luggage.
Drunken Monkey
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« Reply #124 on: December 21, 2011, 08:43:35 PM »

Where are you located?  San FranSicko, California
Distance?  Most days it's 4 miles in and 4 miles out. Once a week I head down to Corp HQ and that's 30 miles each way.
Weather-dependant? Rain or shine for the short commute. Sunny only on the trip down to HQ.
What accomodations has your employer made? Big ass parking structure at HQ. For the short commute I pay for a monthly spot in a local garage.
What extra hassle does it add? I have an Aerostich which keeps my Douchebag corporate clothes spic and span. But each commute is way quicker via bike. For the short commute it takes 10 minutes door to door. vs. 25 in the car and 35 via public transport.
Tips and tricks? Aerostich. Also it helps that I have 3 bikes, so one is always working  Grin

I own several motorcycles. I have owned lots of motorcycles. And have bolted and/or modified lots of crap to said motorcycles...
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« Reply #125 on: December 21, 2011, 09:01:51 PM »

Where are you located?  30 miles east of San FranSicko, California
Distance?  Most days it's 4 25 miles in and 4  25 miles out. Once a week I head down to Corp HQ and that's 30 miles each way. I try not to think how much I hate riding through Hayward.
Weather-dependant? Rain or shine for the short commute. Sunny only on the trip down to HQ. when John makes me a sandwinch.  Which is never.
What accomodations has your employer made? Big ass parking structure at HQ. For the short commute I pay for a monthly spot in a local garage. look on everyone's face like I'm nuts.
What extra hassle does it add? I have an Aerostich which keeps my Douchebag corporate clothes spic and span. But each commute is way quicker via bike. For the short commute it takes 10 60 minutes door to door. vs. 25 90 in the car and 35 via public transport. it beats taking the bus like a dim-wit.  Don't mention make the beast with two backs'n BART in my presence...
Tips and tricks? Aerostich. Aerostich (my idea, plus I like my Darian more) Also it helps that I have 3 bikes wives, so one is always working

Quote from un-named mod:
You're a dick -- purposely makin' our lives more difficult. 
I'm gonna shit in your helmet the next time I see you.

No reason was specified.
Drunken Monkey
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« Reply #126 on: December 21, 2011, 10:40:34 PM »

Dammit Jim, you owe me a new monitor as there's beer all over mine  laughingdp


I own several motorcycles. I have owned lots of motorcycles. And have bolted and/or modified lots of crap to said motorcycles...
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« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2011, 02:45:35 AM »

I used to ride to work regularly, one job was about 60 miles round trip, second was only 8 or so.   Only in the summer.   This was long before Monsters were invented and I rode my '66 Bonneville and never had a problem, other than wearing out tires.  Employers didn't make any concessions and didn't care one way or another how I got to work as long as I was there on time and ready to go.

The upside was getting to work with my attitude pre-adjusted and good.   I first moved to Reno right after a divorce and the daily early morning ride went a long way towards keeping me on an even keel.    Also made friends with co-workers who rode, or used to ride and I may never have known they were riders if I wasn't riding to work.

Can't think of much of a downside, other than wear and tear on the bike and tires.  Later I rode a BMW and the paint and seat got trashed from being parked in the sun all day, but that was my own fault as I could've covered it.  Once I got sent from work on an unexpected trip that ended up lasting a week and I had to leave the bike unattended in the parking lot while I was gone.  I was worried but it turned out OK.

Tips, don't go for after work drinks with your co-workers.  Alcohol and bikes do not mix.

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« Reply #128 on: December 22, 2011, 05:53:29 AM »

Where are you located?  Ontario, Canada
Distance?  ~16 kms each way
Weather-dependant?  As long as it isn't raining, and the bikes are stored from December - February (or so).  I used to ride in a rain with my 250 Ninja, but I won't take the Monster or Sport 1000 out in the rain, if I can help it.  I need another all-weather bike.  Smiley
What accomodations has your employer made? there is a motorcycle area in the parking lot
What extra hassle does it add? I haven't been able to successfully bring a coffee to work
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?  A backpack is handy.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 05:55:41 AM by Bishamon » Logged

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« Reply #129 on: December 22, 2011, 07:35:12 AM »

Where are you located?  Orange County, CA
Distance? 10 miles
Weather-dependant?  I commute daily. I'll cage it if it's raining or rain is imminent. If it's dry with a slight chance of rain in the pm, I'll ride. My commute is very easy.
What accomodations has your employer made? We have several options. Employee riders are allowed to park in the valet area of the hotel I work at. It's not covered, however, it's steps from employee entrance and it's not accessible to the public.
What extra hassle does it add? None really.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? Wear your gear and don't be a squid.
Bill in OKC
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« Reply #130 on: December 22, 2011, 10:54:47 AM »

I rode the S4Rs to work on clear days last summer and one day got stuck in 110+ degree bumper to bumper rush hour traffic on my way home.  The radiator + fans could not keep the engine cool enough and scarey things started showing up on the dash.  I had to quit riding the Monster to work for several weeks until the afternoon temps had dropped below 100.

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« Reply #131 on: December 22, 2011, 11:15:47 AM »

Where are you located?  Sierra Vista, AZ
Distance?  ~11 miles each way
Weather-dependant?  I try to be a reasonable person if there is actually ice or snow on the ground at the house... a fairly rare occurrence.
What accomodations has your employer made? there is motorcycle parking some places, and they listen to me ramble about motorcycle stuff.
What extra hassle does it add? I just broke my jacket hangar.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? For those who want to take coffee, http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=liquiseal+travel+mug&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9250443437366870649&sa=X&ei=i4DzTs3fH4eviQKO5_CiDg&ved=0CJ4BEPMCMAI is actually a no-leak coffee mug and fits in many pockets.

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« Reply #132 on: December 22, 2011, 02:19:49 PM »

Where are you located?
What accomodations has your employer made?
What extra hassle does it add?
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...?

NoVA, DC, Boston has varied from 10-40 miles each way
No, ride every day regardless of weather. It'd take years to get home in the snow in a cage with the traffic around here.
No idea what this means, I'd guess none
As compared to what?  I like riding my bike Smiley Just the obvious I guess, put on riding gear, take off riding gear, etc. Only annoying times for me are really hot days when its hard to arrive not-sweaty. Keep extra deodorant in the desk droor.
Ride, have fun; keep a clean and pressed suit, a few changes of close, and your pretty shoes in the office, change when you arrive if needed (I generally wear biz cas under my gear and change only if its damp, sweaty or I need to be in a suit)


2009 XB12XT
2006 Monster 620 (wife's)
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1975 Kawasaki H1 Mach III
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« Reply #133 on: December 23, 2011, 02:59:50 AM »

Where are you located? NW, Arkansas
Distance? 3mi. Round trip.
Weather-dependant? I won't ride if there is a chance of ice.
What accomodations has your employer made? None. Other than letting me park next to the door and not having security harass me.
What extra hassle does it add? Just the occasional exposure to the elements. I have a rain suit that stores in my locker.
Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfuly moto to work...? My commute is super easy. The hardest part is staying within the posted limits through the residential areas. The local LE work the route pretty hard.
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« Reply #134 on: December 23, 2011, 03:06:52 PM »

Where are you located?
    Washington DC area.

    17 miles each way

    Only if my butt's frozen.

What accommodations has your employer made?
    Parking spaces reserved for motorcycles.

What extra hassle does it add?
    Only changing in and out of riding gear & dealing with extreme weather.

Tips, techniques, and tricks to successfully moto to work...?
    Treat cagers like zombies and get a helmet cam.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
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