Lean In and Ride contest

Started by AdmiralKit, July 11, 2011, 10:56:03 AM

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Hey all, I don't know if you guys had heard about the Lean In and Ride With Us contest that PUMA and Ducati are running, but my brother has managed to make it to the final round of the contest - which happens to be settled by voting by the general public.  He bought his Yamaharley years before I introduced him to the awesomeness that is the Ducati Monster, and he's been itching for one to make his own ever since.  This would give him the opportunity to do so - they're giving away three new Monster 696 motorcycles to the top three people. Any help you guys could offer him would be great - plus he'll be an excellent addition to the forum!

http://puma.promo.eprize.com/lean/ - Vote for Ben S. from Indiana


OK - I filled out all the forms (with bogus info of course) and I voted for Ben S. from Indiana.

They fell short of asking me for my social security number and passport ID.


Yeah, the registration process is definitely very thorough, which is unfortunate.  Your vote is definitely appreciated, though.

Uncle Mofo

                                   2007 red S4Rs


Awesome, thanks Grifo.  Since we're apparently near each other, does Hoosier Hooligans have a scheduled meetup?

Uncle Mofo

                                   2007 red S4Rs


Some people are like Slinkies. They're really good for nothing; however, they can still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

2005 620ie
1998 GS500E - gone


I was okie-doked into riding in one of those episodes which feathured a so-Cal'er ( Roker i beileve)...

To say some of us (SoCal DMC'ers and DMF'ers) were a bit let down was an understatement...
- DNA rep called local clubs to "help out" and rally some riders for a video shoot-

The dood doesn't ride much or know much about Ducati..... actually came across as a total poser [thumbsdown]

and now the commercial plays on SPEEDtv and Versus....

Theres another episode that I heard about featuring a dood who owns some "fixie-bike" company...yet another poser ( heard he dumped his bike twice and can hardly ride)

I'm hoping they will start showcasing some true Ducatisti who carry real passion for the brand...

just my .02 cent rant and slightly off topic........sorry


Quote from: lawbreaker on July 12, 2011, 06:29:21 AM
I was okie-doked into riding in one of those episodes which feathured a so-Cal'er ( Roker i beileve)...

To say some of us (SoCal DMC'ers and DMF'ers) were a bit let down was an understatement...
- DNA rep called local clubs to "help out" and rally some riders for a video shoot-

The dood doesn't ride much or know much about Ducati..... actually came across as a total poser [thumbsdown]

and now the commercial plays on SPEEDtv and Versus....

Theres another episode that I heard about featuring a dood who owns some "fixie-bike" company...yet another poser ( heard he dumped his bike twice and can hardly ride)

I'm hoping they will start showcasing some true Ducatisti who carry real passion for the brand...

just my .02 cent rant and slightly off topic........sorry

well... there's that girl that's a master tech for ducati miami...  i'd say that qualifies for a true ducatisti.
'10 SFS 1098
'11 M796 ABS - Sold
'05 SV650N - Sold


Well, I can vouch that Ben has what it takes to be a good addition to our Ducatisti ranks.  He's also been riding for the better part of a decade, and he's taking my bike out as often as he's taking his bike out - none of that poser stuff from him!


Quote from: Grifo on July 12, 2011, 03:26:30 AM
Every Thursday and Sunday. www.hoosierhooligans.org

Grifo, the calendar on the Hoosier Hooligans site keeps telling me that it doesn't like the year it's searching for.  Where do you guys meet up?

Uncle Mofo

Quote from: AdmiralKit on July 12, 2011, 10:26:56 AM
Grifo, the calendar on the Hoosier Hooligans site keeps telling me that it doesn't like the year it's searching for.  Where do you guys meet up?
Yeah my VP and IT guy  is slacking lately... We meet up in Granger or New carlisle on Thursdays. We used meet in Noblesville on Saturdays in the square, and have a Sunday ride. Look in the events and ride section.

                                   2007 red S4Rs


Awesome, will do.  Granger and New Carlisle are a bit far for a weeknight ride, unfortunately, but my weekends are generally fairly flexible.


Hey, just one last bump since voting ends tomorrow.  Anyone who could send some votes the way of my brother today and/or tomorrow would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help, guys!