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Front Number Plates

Started by dragonworld., June 18, 2008, 02:41:24 AM

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 A mate just sent this to me and I thought it would be good to post it just in case others havent seen or done anything regarding the authorities push for these bloody front plates . >:(  
Howdy All,

Help to add weight to the Two-Wheels campaign 'Front plates & how to make them go away' (Issue 06/08, Page 21)

"We now you don't want front plates and we know you want to do something about the issue, something concrete that makes a difference ... the key is to let the right people know we won't take it anymore, and let them know we want some answers ... so what do we do ? We email and/or write to the relevant people and we say:"

I disagree with the proposed introduction of frontal identification for motorcycles as a road safety measure.

What evidence-based research exists for a road safety benefit from the introduction of frontal identification for motorcycles?

How do you propose I fit frontal identification to my <insert the make, model and year of your motorcycle here>?

Were I to fit frontal identification to the motorcycle(s) listed above according to your advice, what would be the impact on airflow, turbulence and engine cooling?

What are the implications of fitting frontal identification to my <insert the make, model and year of your motorcycle here> on my manufacture’s warranty?

What provision for fitment will you offer me and what indemnity will you offer me against any deleterious effects of fitting frontal identification to the motorcycle(s) listed above?

Copy and paste the above into a new email, insert your details into the blue type sections, and send to the relevant Minister/s in your state.

The Hon Lynne Kosky MP
Minster for Public Transport

The Hon Tim Pallas MP
Minister for Roads and Ports

New South Wales
The Hon John Watkins MLA
Minister for Transport

The Hon Eric Roozendaal MLC
Minister for Roads

Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


This old thing keeps raising its head every few years. >:(

Are there that many motorcycles avoiding speeding fines by being caught by front on cameras? That must be the only reason they want them.

I suspect its going to cost a lot more to fit them than they will recover in fines revenue.

I saw a cop bike recently with the rego on a sticker across the front fairing. Must be beta testing them.
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? - www.tas-compo-law.com.au


In a recent Survey the Qld Govt also flagged front number plates, So here are the Qld Ministers details.

Hon John Mickel, MP
Member for Logan
Minister for Transport, Trade, Employment and Industrial Relations
Level 6B, Neville Bonner Building
75 William Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000
GPO Box 2644, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Tel: (07) 3237 1945
Fax: (07) 3224 4242
E-mail:  TTEIR@ministerial.qld.gov.au


Always seems that motorcyclists have to fight against stupidity of Governments who think the only way to solve problems is to raise revenue.
I just had a rant to the news channels tonight about another topic.
Why does it seem we have to put so much effort in to keeping the status quo when for so many years front plates have not been in service....

So let's start  [bang] [bang] and see if it gets anywhere....


A couple of guys at work made up some stickers and put them on some bikes (Sports bikes, and the only place they could really be stuck was on the screen!! [roll]) And started taking photos from varying angles, and guess what????
At the approximate angle that a camera would be set up at you pretty well couldnt make out the first 1 and sometime 2 figures. Wow!! Now thats effective. :o
In Mextoria it appears that all this bullshit is based more on freeway tolling than Law enforcement, The Mighty Dollar" strikes again!!
It appears that all the new freeways and link systems will be tolled and will have cameras that take pictures from the front. ???
This appears to be the response to the ever increasing number of 2 wheeled commuters, this'll encourage people to conserve energy and ease traffic congestion.................not. And I havent heard of any cheaper tolls for 2 wheelers either??? [bang]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


The cost of implementing is obviously immaterial because it will be a user pays system. That is, they make the law then the bike owner is responsible for finding somewhere to put the plate and fix it - in addition to the cost of the plate itself.

Then if you can't find an appropriate place to put the plate (where it can be clearly seen by all revenue raising devices) your bike will be classed unroadworthy. Problem solved.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Well if it's toll roads and having to be photographed, maybe there should be some thought into a tag that works.
Toll amount aside and we all know we pay too much for our use of the roads.
A tag that works, instead of trying to stretch and bend as you ride through a toll point or take a hand off the bars to get your
tag thingy outta ya pocket or tank bag.
Seems we could have some smart designers put there heads together and come up with something that works while it is in your pocket
or attached to the bike.
Could be money better spent than forcing us to have front plate identification.


The whole front plate issue is discussed in depth here: http://www.netrider.net.au/forums/viewtopic.php?t=48517   The summary is that it appears that front facing speed cameras can't photograph the rear end of motorcycles (well derrr), so the government in Victoria is proposing front plates to get around this; Based on the Vic roads recommendation other states will follow suite.. It's just (further) revenue raising initiative that will do bugger all to actually improve safety.

The most dangerous spots on my way too and from work are the 3 speed cameras I have to drive past. People slam on the brakes randomly, drive 30kms under the posted limit, you name it. Then speed up to their regular 25Kms over the speed limit 2 metres past the cam.   

As for Tags not working on bikes, I just rang up my tag provider and associated my bike number plate with my tag. Now when I go through any toll, they just reconcile it and bill me as if I was in a car. Saves carrying the tag around or fumbling around for cash. I also have a strange underlying feeling that my fender eliminator may present some challenges for the toll cameras, as I hardly ever get billed for going down the M2.  ;D

Super T.I.B

Sorry, was just thinking....could you imagine Docks new bike with a front plate.

[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


If you want to get involved, there is a protest ride happening in Melbourne on the 5th July. It's a general "We are getting pi$$ed of about the way you treat us" type of ride. This will encompass issues such as the front number plates and the $56 rego levy which according to an article in AMCN, part of is being used to purchase motorbikes for the Police Cops.

There is alot of rumour going around that the state government needs to come up with a method to toll motorcyclists on the Citylink, due to the fact the designers pointed the camara's the wrong way, and waterproof portable tags don't seem to work effectively (this was supposed to be the desired way to toll motorcyclists)

This is not an issue on the new Eastlink tollway which is about to open, where motorcycles will be photographed from behind and charged 50% of the car tolls (which is 1 good thing).

More info here courtesy of DOC Vic:


This is a protest ride being arranged by Damien Codognotto. The media release and information is as follows. Meeting time from 10am at the Doncaster Park & Ride with the ride departing at 12 noon.

There will be a protest ride on Saturday, July 5, 2008. The primary argument will be against road tolls for motorcycles but we'll be collecting signatures on the petition to abolish the $56 a year TAC tax too. And front ID for motorcycles and scooters is definitely a big issue on this protest run.

If we get the numbers we plan to have stands at the bike expo and the OZ GP to collect more signatures against the TAC tax. The petition will be given to an MP to present to Parliament probably on November 12, 2008.

The assembly area will be the Doncaster Park & Ride - Melway reference Map 46 K1. It's virtually empty on a Saturday. It's left out the gate. A few metres and left onto the Eastern Freeway which becomes the Eastlink toll road. Very safe. Eastlink opens Sunday, June 29. There is a toll free period of a month.

At noon riders will proceed to Frankston at 10 kph under the speed limit. Probably 90 kph most of the trip. The distance will be around 60 kms. The destination is the Frankston Civic Centre in Davey Street. - Melway reference map 100A  C9. There will be no road tolls and no entry fees or registration. A bucket collection will help defray costs.

All road registered trikes, sidecars, motorcycles & scooters are welcome. On the ride, normal road laws apply and each rider is responsible for him/her self.

We will be inviting City Councillors and MPs from along the route to be at the start or the finish or to ride with us. The media too. We'll have responsible pilots to take passengers. Let me know if you can take a passenger.

If we get the numbers, the November protest goes ahead, if not, it doesn't.

Hopefully some riders will be tempted to come a fair distance for a chance to ride the new super road before the tolls start. Others may be inspired by the recent successful protests by taxi drivers and pensioners but I doubt we'll see any topless riders this time of year. Others still may attend because they are angry that our representatives on VMAC have not stood up for the motorcycle community's interests.

Super T.I.B

I really hope you get a great turnout.  [thumbsup]

As for me, I've just e mailed the 2 ministers on that list.

Probably even should email my local member  ???

[bang] [bang] [bang]


I don't even want to think about the whole front plate thing. Pretty sure the reason they removed them in the 70's was because pedestrians were getting injured. Can you image how crap a monster (or any bike for that matter) would look with one hanging off the front? grrrr....

Wow, you only get charged 50% tolls in Vic? In sunny* NSW, Bikes are charged at the full car rate. Taking tollroads from my house to the city and back costs about ~$17 :(

I guess that's what I get for living in a Liberal suburb after 16 years of Labor governments.

* NSW may not actually be sunny.

Super T.I.B

Quote from: craigo on June 18, 2008, 09:08:22 PM
I don't even want to think about the whole front plate thing. Pretty sure the reason they removed them in the 70's was because pedestrians were getting injured. Can you image how crap a monster (or any bike for that matter) would look with one hanging off the front? grrrr....

Wow, you only get charged 50% tolls in Vic? In sunny* NSW, Bikes are charged at the full car rate. Taking tollroads from my house to the city and back costs about ~$17 :(

I guess that's what I get for living in a Liberal suburb after 16 years of Labor governments.

* NSW may not actually be sunny.

You're right about why they removed them. Just think what a numberplate would do to you if it was mounted on the guard, where some of them were mounted, and you got hit by a bike. Just think where that plate would catch you and open you up like a tin of beetroot. Straight across your thigh or inside your thigh, where one of your main arteries is located. Slice that baby open, your dead before the ambulance is out of it's garage. >:(

No matter where you live in Sydney or NSW, it's definitely going down the shitter.

You're better off living in a marginal seat/suburb, they get all the cream.  >:(


Does this help you Super......
Might be something we need to do on one of those maintenance day thingy's.


You'd wanna make sure you drilled the holes in the right spot.. I am pretty sure that the front faring is worth more than my entire bike  ;D