After much soul searching, I've decided I need to sell this helmet.
First, I have to say it's been my favorite helmet once I saw them and I was finally able to get one a while ago. This is a great helmet, but I got the wrong size and it's just too big for me.
You can read more about this helmet here: helmet. Light, vents well. easy to use controls. Two front vents (chin and forehead) and one exhaust vent. Graphics are amazing, and these pictures don't do them justice.
I recently replaced the liner so it's nice and fresh and clean. Cheek pads are not available in the US so I couldn't replace those. There's nothing wrong with them, I ran them through the washing machine, but they didn't come out like new. Hey, it's a used helmet.
Things I like about this helmet:
Very light. Even lighter than my other helmet that's smaller.
Vents well.
*Thick* visor that has amazing optics.
Amazing quality graphics
Infinitely adjustable visor - that is, there are no positions or clicks. It works only by friction so you can put it anywhere you want.
Easy to swap shields
Has a pull tag on the buckle to ease removal
none really, other than being the wrong size
Also comes with drawstring bag. I will include a dark smoke visor for an addition $40 (the visors are $70 new).