okay here goes the whole check list
1) Riding the bike cold it runs great. After about 20 minutes the left side of the bike has gotten EXTREMELY hot. About as hot as a 4v radiator fan blowing hot air right into it, possibly worst.
2) Bike ceases to run after above mentioned.
3) Bike will turn over great, you can hear and feel the bike starting up, it just wont keep the idling. but it will start up. It will only hold over for about 3 cycles of the piston before going dead.
4) Check for spark? yes, nice big fat red spark on both pistons.
5) Fuel filter? was originally orange, but replaced it with a Napa equivalent. I blew through both filters, old filter was very clogged.
6) After replacing the fuel filter, bike was much more resonsive, but after 20 minutes the same issue, when ridding at 6am, bike is great, on the way home in traffic, it dies again. Refuses to start. The bike actually starts on first try every time. Its a very good motor.
7) emptied the fuel tank, inspected interior, no signs of rust.
removed the line between carbs and vaccum pump and cycled the bike, there was more than enough gas coming through it with just the starter motor running the engine. But it seemed kind of weak, not a strong pulse or anything just kinda dribbling out.
9) opened up the vaccum pump, looks fine, but i wouldnt know what a damaged one looks like.
thats all i have. Cleaned the carbs too. bike gave 1000 no problem miles until now