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Author Topic: 1000ds FCR Build  (Read 105998 times)
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« Reply #285 on: February 23, 2019, 02:11:53 PM »

chad @ commonwealth cut my flywheel down. i have not weighted the oil pumps.

i talked to mark at ducshop today and the stage 3 heads are sounding pretty nice. i may just send him the heads and decide when they get there.

To revive this thread to see if there's been any new developments and to answer my own question (and for anyone else who may be curious about it), the weight difference between the stock oil pump and the 848 Evo pump is 25 grams.  As Dub Luv said, it fits perfectly without any additional fiddling.  25 grams may not be worth swapping out a perfectly good stock oil pump, but if you need a new pump, you might want to get an Evo instead.  The part number is: 174Z0021A.
Düb Lüv
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« Reply #286 on: February 23, 2019, 02:34:38 PM »

well my e30 v8 project is another distraction ive been playing with. currently thinking of selling my supersport and selling some of my parts ive been hoarding that i wont be needing.

i was talking to a co-worker the other day about this bike. ive been collecting equipment and practicing tig welding cause the stuff i want to do isn”t off the shelf. ive been wanting to do a half aluminum frame. imagine something like the supermono carbon subframe, but aluminum

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« Reply #287 on: February 24, 2019, 11:03:10 AM »

well my e30 v8 project is another distraction ive been playing with. currently thinking of selling my supersport and selling some of my parts ive been hoarding that i wont be needing.

i was talking to a co-worker the other day about this bike. ive been collecting equipment and practicing tig welding cause the stuff i want to do isn”t off the shelf. ive been wanting to do a half aluminum frame. imagine something like the supermono carbon subframe, but aluminum

You can't mention an E30 swap and not post pictures  Wink.  But thank you for the oil pump and stator ideas - those were things I never knew about, and being a MAJOR weight weenie (my current monster is 330lbs wet sans gas), they were very much worth it and easy to do.

Stu Smith of Flight Cycles fame (don't know if you're still on here Stu, but hello if you are) once made a batch of aluminum subframes for monsters.   It was the rear triangle, from the rear motor mounts back, and you'd cut off that part of your frame, weld in a bung with a threaded tab on it into the open ends of the tubes, and the aluminum part would bolt on.  I forget how much weight it saved, but it was significant.   If all the photos on this site hadn't been stolen by whatever that photo-hosting company was, I'd go searching for a picture of it, but it was a great idea, and if there is anyone out there with one they want to sell, let me know (Stu, maybe you still have one left somewhere?)! 
Düb Lüv
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« Reply #288 on: February 24, 2019, 01:38:34 PM »

the subframe that stu had done is still available. i was wanting to use more aluminum and to possibly raise the seat plane slightly for my inseam.

heres another little weight saver. for the intermediate gear between the starter and sprag, i believe it was a m696 gear that has more cut outs and is lighter. it looks close to a 1100 gear but correct smaller o.d. thats worth 1.5oz  Roll Eyes

well the e30 just looks like one without the dash, and sunroof out with the s52 still in. next to it would be the 2 piles of LS parts, a windowed block for mockup, and one good one on the stand.

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« Reply #289 on: March 04, 2019, 01:00:04 AM »

the subframe that stu had done is still available. i was wanting to use more aluminum and to possibly raise the seat plane slightly for my inseam.

heres another little weight saver. for the intermediate gear between the starter and sprag, i believe it was a m696 gear that has more cut outs and is lighter. it looks close to a 1100 gear but correct smaller o.d. thats worth 1.5oz  Roll Eyes

well the e30 just looks like one without the dash, and sunroof out with the s52 still in. next to it would be the 2 piles of LS parts, a windowed block for mockup, and one good one on the stand.

1.5oz of rotating mass - I love it.  I'm willing to do anything to any engine gear except cut holes in them, so any stock part that is lighter than what's in there already is a major pro tip - thanks!  Right now, I'm at about 330lb wet/no gas with a single front disk, but I'm going to be adding a second disc/caliper so that should bring me up to around 335.  One system I haven't done everything to that I possibly could is the motor, so I might be able to save a pound or so once I swap out the stock rods, pistons, and machine the crank (I already applied all the tricks you listed in this thread - shaved down the flywheel, replaced the stator and oil pump, and installed lighter belt pullies).  I'm pretty sure that I could build a 300lb Monster if I was willing to run a double-sided swing arm and one of those Pierbon (I think that's who makes them) aluminum frames, but the single-sided arm is just too sexy, and the aluminum frame is too much money and too much trouble to get it registered and insured. 
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« Reply #290 on: March 07, 2019, 03:40:10 AM »

Why not cut holes in the gears?

"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**
Düb Lüv
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« Reply #291 on: March 15, 2019, 07:02:52 PM »

Why not cut holes in the gears?

some of the gear have been talked as being hardened and ruin tooling. some ducati machining service companies wont mess with them. kaemna would lightened them but theyre in germany. shipping $$$$$

ans the m696 was only like $15.

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« Reply #292 on: March 16, 2019, 04:18:33 AM »

some of the gear have been talked as being hardened and ruin tooling. some ducati machining service companies wont mess with them. kaemna would lightened them but theyre in germany. shipping $$$$$

ans the m696 was only like $15.
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« Reply #293 on: March 23, 2019, 03:35:51 PM »

i've started replacing my photobucket pics by memory.

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« Reply #294 on: March 28, 2019, 04:53:53 PM »

Ive cut those gears before.  Its not a big deal.

"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**
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« Reply #295 on: April 13, 2019, 03:02:26 PM »

Thanks for the great thread DL, doing a dry clutch conversion at the moment. Definitely going to look into lighting up the gears like you did. Thanks for the great info.

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« Reply #296 on: April 16, 2019, 04:43:56 AM »

It’s Stuart Baker, not Smith.  Grin

AL subframes are gone but I can put anyone in touch with the guy that built them for me.  I know my welding limits and that is way beyond my talent.

Weight savings versus a non-tail-chopped S2R1000 frame is: 5.5#.  You do, however completely lose the capacity to ride two-up.  They’re designed for max weight savings...

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Düb Lüv
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« Reply #297 on: April 16, 2019, 06:25:37 AM »

Thanks for the great thread DL, doing a dry clutch conversion at the moment. Definitely going to look into lighting up the gears like you did. Thanks for the great info.

you’re welcome. just sharing what i find. thats why this forum has always been great.

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« Reply #298 on: April 17, 2019, 04:21:46 AM »

And just heard back from Fast Frank, they no longer provide the gear lightening service.
Anyone have any other sources or ideas to lighten the primaries.


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« Reply #299 on: April 17, 2019, 04:43:10 AM »

Try Monsterlover.

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