Well as a segue from my post in the 690 thread I'm going to look at that 530 EXC with the farkles the 1st weekend of Feb. The seller was willing to bring it down thursday as he was going to be working roughly around me that day, but of course I'm not sure of my schedule and Feb is the 1st date he had open after that.
So ML, what SuMo stuff did you get? Recommendations for other farkles?
If this comes home with me it'll spend the majority of its time on pavement as I live in DC metro sprawl. But I hope for some light trail shenanigans too.
How are thos Sidis working out for you? Those are the boots I figure I'll get, though they are a bit dear to the wallet.
Awesome! I'll cross my fingers for you.
The bikes are bad ass tough machines from the factory. I haven't had mine on the road with sumo wheels yet, but I'm guessing it will like having the suspension stiffened up some.
I bought a set of warp9 wheels and shinko tires (like pilot powers as far as stick goes) I was on a tight budget to convert the bike to sumo and purchase gear (of which I had none)
I did about 30 miles in the Sidis and they're awesome. At first I didn't think I would go for the "clunky" feel of them, but after about 5 minutes I discovered I had completely forgotten about them. They're tough, rebuildable and comfy.
Get them.
Other farkles. . . I'm a firm believer in bark buster type hand guards with the aluminum rail frame. Just the plastic alone isn't enough. If you tip it, they'll save the levers (and maybe your hand). I would also recommend the KTM rad guards and the fan kit (especially if you're going to be in stop and go traffic)
About the last must have thing on my mind at this point is an adjustable fuel screw so you can tune the mix without pulling the carb off. If you ever get a clogged pilot jet, just replace it, they're $8.00
I also shut the tank off and drain the float bowl if the bike will sit more than 4 days or so. Keeps the pilot from clogging.
My dealer also recommends a green accel pump spring. Everyone around here that has had them install and time it says it feels like 5 hp more.
You might want to consider a nicer seat. I bought an Enduro engineering tall seat (softer) but im not sure I'll like it. I haven't ridden with it yet (snow here)
I don't know what gearing is on your bike, but it's generally known that the oem ratio is bad for anything slow speed. Try it and see what you think. I think my bike is a -1, +4.