When I put my clipons on, I had to file back the mounts a little to stop them from hitting the tank. I put a little black paint on the filed bits, but it's been bugging me every since.
So I acquired some sulphuric acid, and bought some sodium hydroxide (from the supermarket!) and a few colours of anodising dyes (black, blue, and red) from Caswell plating.
I've borrowed a nice constant current lab power supply from work, and am getting ready to redo the anodising on my clipons. While I'm at it, I'll also refresh the caps on the top of my 998 Showas (red) and the damping adjusters (blue).
Thus far, I sanded my filed bits nice and smooth, rounded the edges to match the other surfaces, and then chucked the clipon mounts into a bath of sodium hydroxide (a couple of tablespoons in half a litre of water) for a few minutes to strip off the existing anodising.
On the weekend, I'll set up an anodising bath...
Here's what the existing fork tops look like (rather faded):