Lost my appetit for Italian cold cuts, especially prescuitto

Started by pnut, June 24, 2008, 04:08:03 AM

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I used to love me some prescuitto.  I'd always have some fresh cut in the fridge.  Then my girlfriend and I went to see the Body Worlds exhibit at the local museum. 


and i guess those preserved bodies looked eerily like precuitto.......im sure Anthony Hopkins agrees.


I wish I could afford to keep some in my fridge. delicious  [thumbsup] So if you cant' stomach it anymore, ship it out to me!
2005 S4R - Sato, PM, CC, Sargeant
2005 GasGas FSE450
2004 Honda VFR


Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


I've never been to that exhibit, but I did have some issues after I had to move some cadavers at my wife’s medical school.
He man, where are all the ads?


My wife was just telling me that they used bodies they didn't have permission to use for that exhibit.

I'd still love to see it in person but that would suck if I found out that was a family member or friend all cut up.   :-\
2018 Scrambler 800 "Argento"
2010 Monster 1100 "Niro" 
2003 Monster 620 "Scuro"

Quote from: bobspapa on May 29, 2011, 08:09:57 AMThis just in..IZ is not that short..and I am not that tall.


Quote from: IZ on June 24, 2008, 08:18:10 AM
My wife was just telling me that they used bodies they didn't have permission to use for that exhibit.

I'd still love to see it in person but that would suck if I found out that was a family member or friend all cut up.   :-\

how exactly do you get permission from a dead guy?


I saw the exhibit, the bodies are all volunteers.  The guy who made it has his best friend in it, who also requested to be in it.  He also hopes one day to become part of it when he dies.

Since I saw it, held brain, liver, heart, and lungs, I want steak more than ever  [evil]

What did you think was in us before you saw this exhibit while munching on prosciutto?

Quote from: Mother on June 24, 2008, 08:17:18 AM
Meat is Meat

Would you eat human?  Illegality aside of course.
"I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines."   m620 749s r6



Quote from: Pakhan on June 24, 2008, 08:29:24 AM
Would you eat human?  Illegality aside of course.
We can't possibly taste good.
Although with our soft easy lifestyles and high fat content we might have a lot in common with Kobe beef.
'05 Monster 620
'86 FZ600
'05 KTM SMC 625


Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


Quote from: lethe on June 24, 2008, 08:32:19 AM
We can't possibly taste good.
Although with our soft easy lifestyles and high fat content we might have a lot in common with Kobe beef.

Don't knock us till you try us

Quote from: bobspapa on June 24, 2008, 08:32:36 AM
eat me

Don't tempt mother, we still don't know if he's a cannibal
Don't tempt IZ either, he came out in the other thread
"I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines."   m620 749s r6



Quote from: Pakhan on June 24, 2008, 08:29:24 AM
I saw the exhibit, the bodies are all volunteers.  The guy who made it has his best friend in it, who also requested to be in it.  He also hopes one day to become part of it when he dies.

Since I saw it, held brain, liver, heart, and lungs, I want steak more than ever  [evil]

What did you think was in us before you saw this exhibit while munching on prosciutto?

Would you eat human?  Illegality aside of course.


it wouldn't be a first choice obviously

but if the opportunity presented itself

and it was kill and eat human or starve to death

you better hope you are faster than me

cuz I'm turning you into breakfast


Well of course the human survival argument, but what about not to survive and just as a meal?
"I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines."   m620 749s r6



Quote from: Mother on June 24, 2008, 08:35:44 AM

it wouldn't be a first choice obviously

but if the opportunity presented itself

and it was kill and eat human or starve to death

you better hope you are faster than me

cuz I'm turning you into breakfast

You'd waste a lot of time pondering the situation, meanwhile I'd be looking for a pot big enough to fit your fat ass in.  [laugh]
'05 Monster 620
'86 FZ600
'05 KTM SMC 625