After a Schatzker scale VI tibial plateau fracture on a dirt bike last Sept. I had to let her go, couldn't afford to take the chance on another injury that could result in months of recovery.
Thanks for the inspiring post!
I started riding when I was 8, had my first crash when I was 8. I took to the street at 16-1/2, had my first crash on the street when I was 16-1/2. Through my 20's a bike was my only vehicle and I kissed the asphalt several times. I took a hiatus from riding for awhile when I became "responsible" in my 30's but the wanderlust never left. Now in my 50's and again nothing but bikes for me. When I look into the eyes of the dad on the passenger side of the soccer-mom van all I can think is "you poor bastard".
As for the inspiration I've been struggling with justifying $400 for a safer pair of boots. My reasoning so far has been that $400 is cheaper than a broken ankle. Having read your post that's changed to what would happen to my riding habits if I broke an ankle? Thanks for the new boots!
BTW, You'll be back.