I second the idea to create a "rogues gallery" of tail chop kits. I was about to create a thread asking about them, but will hop onto this thread to keep it all together.
I have an 04 S4R - "cauda intacta" - and have been researching the "half chop" options to tidy up the tail without losing all the fender protection / visual balance. But *really* hard to find photos of finished bikes with the half chop (or no-chop) options and some of the links on these pages go nowhere, so I assume the kit makers went out of business over the years.
an example might be this one:
http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/010EDM/C-S2R-S4R/010EDM.html - but no clue what the bike would look like with it installed.
I also want to install one of the integrated LED tail lights - such as this one:
http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/TLDMON/Electrical/TLDMON.htmlbut again - what does this look like with the half chop or no chop tails ?
Any pictures of finished bikes welcome !